Arriving To The Toilet Bowl (sadly)

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Percy's PoV

Everyone stopped talking when they saw me. Athena asked, "Are you Omega?"

I scoffed, "No I'm Elsa."

The Gods stared at me as if I was crazy, "Ok... So, I'm gonna be coming with the rest of my minions tomorrow."

Before they could ask me any more questions, I flashed away.

I appeared in my room and jumped onto my bed with my face buried in the pillow.

I closed my eyes. I got 30 minutes of peace before someone interrupted me.

They knocked on the door gently and I groaned and lifted my head, "Come in."

Zoë and the rest of The Angels entered my room. Zoë asked me, "Perce are you okay?"

I mumbled, "Yes."

Silena said, "We can't hear you."

Turned out I was closer to the edge of the bed than I thought. When I was picking my head up and turning to land on my back, I fell off the bed.

The Angels roared with laughter as I got up. I pouted and crossed my arms over my chest.

Luke said, "So, Chaos wants us to hang out with you..."

I immediately brightened, "NEMO!!!"

I hopped toward the huge T.V. and placed in the DVD for Nemo. The Angels groaned and sat on the bed with me. I made a huge bowl of popcorn and Starbucks for everyone appear.

It was awesome.

~Time Skip~

I stood with the Angels next to Chaos as he opened the portal. The portal was a few yards away from us.

We all looked at each other before running toward the portal at once trying to get in before the other. We tripped over our feet and landed in the portal.

The thing about portals is that you can't move in them. We landed at Camp Half-Blood in the mess hall on the... Athena Table in a sprawling mess.

We laughed and got up. Chiron asked, "And who are you?"

I smirked, "I'm Elsa... This is Anna (while pointing at Zoë) this is-"

I was cut off by Silena saying, "He's kinda crazy."

Luke said, "Can I be Olaf?!"

I smiled, "Sure!"

Silena coughed, "We are The Angels of Chaos and we're here to aid you in the war."

A specific person named Annabutt asked, "Why do you wear hoods?"

Omega, suddenly serious said, "Because some of us have bad histories here and want to avoid specific people."

Annabutt gulped, "But who are you specifically?"

Omega said, "I'm Omega, Prince of The Void, Son of Chaos, Commander of Chaos' Army, Chaos' Assassin, Leader of The Angels of Chaos, and Primordial of Loyalty, Swordsmanship, Forgotten Heroes, and Sassiness."

Luke stepped forward, "I am Alpha, Second in Command of Chaos' Army."

Zoë then stepped forward, "I am Star, Third in Command of Chaos' Army."

Beckendorf stepped up, "I am Forge, Fourth in Command of Chaos' Army."

Bianca stepped forward, "I am Angel, Fifth in Command of Chaos' Army."

Silena stepped forward, "I am Beauty, Sixth in Command and The Spy of Chaos' Army."

Silena and Bianca smirked at each other-though no one but us could see it. Bianca was actually the spy with Silena actually being Fifth In Command.

Everyone scrambled to bow down to us. I found one person staring at us without bowing down.

"I don't bow to wannabes!" Sneered Nash.

My breathing was ragged as I said, "And I don't want you to."

Nash smiled, "So you admit I'm stronger than you!"

Luke sighed, "Are all you campers this dumb?"

Clarisse growled, "No! Only a few of us..." She glared at Nash and Annabutt.

I shrugged and I felt Zoë grab my hand and I smiled under my mask.

Chiron interrupted our conversation, "Well, we thank you Omega, for bringing your team to help us."

I nodded in acknowledgement, "Now, we best be going to our cabin." I announced.

Grover frowned, "But we don't have a Chaos Cabin."

I smiled and concentrated on a mansion. There was a rumbling as it rose from the ground, "You were saying?"

With that, I jumped off the table and left the mess hall.

Ok, so another chapter is done!

I just wanted to tell you the pairings I've planned. And thank you guys so much for 15 reads and two votes!

I know that's probably not a lot but I just wanted to say thank you.

Ok, so this chapter is dedicated to... Night_Angel45  !!

Thanks for the help!

I know that's probably not a lot but I just wanted to say thank you.

Ok, so here's the pairings⬇️


If you have anything against these ships, comment below!




And Smile!


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