The Epic Epilogue

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A man in his mid thirties stood at the balcony of a intimidating black castle. His ebony hair whipped around in the breeze. His swirling sea green eyes were closed. A small smile played across his lips. He wore blue hoodie. It was old, it had been to big for him years ago, now it fit perfectly.

Next to him stood a woman at the same age. Her long black hair was in a messy dutch braid. Her head was tilted to the man. She was staring up at him with her loving silver eyes. She wore a white dress that whipped along with her hair in the same breeze that touched her husband.

"We made it," she whispered.

The man opened his eyes. They were warm and he put his arm around his wife's shoulder. He pulled her close, "Yes, we did."

Behind the two they heard yelling before four children stumbled out. They were all the same age, ten. One was a boy with silver eyes and black hair. The second was a tall female with sea green eyes and black hair. Then there was a girl with silver eyes and black hair. Lastly was a boy with sea green eyes and longer black hair.

The kids tumbled over to their parents, tucking themselves close to their guardians. Zoe, the wife, let out a sigh of contempt. This was the life she had wanted. Now she had it.

There it is. The final chapter. :)

I cannot believe we made it. But all the cheese is for the next chapter.





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