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A/N Dedicated to her 'cause she's awesome for reading this book and for voting for it :)

Elain's POV

"Elain, honey, won't you come inside now?" Mom called out to me from the front porch. I could see the way my strike was affecting her by the way her amber eyes reduced to slits, indicating that she had already fallen asleep, then got woken up by her concern for me. She was wearing her fluffy pink robe and her blonde bed hair looked like a bird's nest from where I was standing.

"Not unless you unpack our stuff and call off the move," I shouted back at her. Gee, no matter how stubborn I was, mom could not leave me alone. That worked as an advantage on my part. It increased my chances of getting what I wanted. Always.

"Honey, you know why we can't do that. Dad's job is moving us there," she said for I think the hundredth time since she told us about the move and I protested against it.

Mom rubbed her eyes and I felt a pang of guilt. But I couldn't just quit. My deadline was tomorrow, and whatever happened in the next ten hours would inevitably decide for me.

"Dad's been doing just fine here," I stated.

Mom sighed loud enough for me to hear. I took it as a sign that the argument was over and headed into my black 4-person tent.

Alright, lemme explain.

I, Elain Clark, refuse to move from humble Doncaster, where we have a great life by the way, to busy, loud, crowded London. Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against the place. It's absolutely terrific and I'm just fine with going there on vacation. But living there permanently? Nu-uh. I love Doncaster and I'm not just leaving behind my home, my school, my friends, the life I've built for 15 years. So I decided to do something about it. For the first few weeks, I begged, pleaded, presented a slideshow on why we should stay, and even came close to running away. And by close, I mean, I was standing by the door with my luggage and was just about to head out when my brother knocked me out. He said he panicked. Luckily, I didn't bleed.

And until a week ago, I finally had the perfect plan.

Which brings us to where we are now. I started camping out here, near the middle of our front yard, a week ago. I pitched a tent and brought along my sleeping bag, four pillows, some clothes, my ipod, my laptop, my purple bean bag, my phone and my wallet. Oh, and I was supposed to be on a hunger strike too, when in reality I had been feasting on take-out all week.

I kinda sorta missed Mom's great cooking but I had to resist. For now, anyways.

In the tent, my black Vaio was sofly blaring my Ed Sheeran playlist. God, I loved him. As I sat down on my sleeping bag and grabbed a pepperoni pizza from the box, I once again thought that if he would ask me to marry him right here and now, I would say yes. Even if it was technically illegal since Blair, my older sister, called first dibs on him. *sigh* We all live with our regrets.

Suddenly, someone zipped open my tent and I jumped back as a long-haired head poked through the entrance.

"I thought you were on a hunger strike?" Jamie, my eldest sister, grimaced as she looked at the mess of trash and take-out boxes on one side of the tent. I just stared at her blankly and bit a piece of pizza as she stepped over my stuff and landed on my bean bag. "God. You can't even keep this tiny place clean," she said, looking around.

"Who sent you?" I questioned. "Mom? Dad?"


I sighed and looked down. Jamie was giving me her serious look. I hated that.

I was closer with Jamie than with Blair in a sense. Yes, I told Blair everything that's happening with my social life, but Jamie and I had more things in common and our conversations were relatively deeper. So it was definitely a sensible strategy to send her to talk to me. Sensible, but it didn't mean I would budge. Besides, ever since I showed my disdain about the move, all Blair and I ever did together was argue. Which only made me stand firmer on my ground.

"Why are you doing this?" she asked, her tone serious and even. "Do you know how much stress you're bringing to Mom and Dad?"

"You know why," I looked up at her and made sure my stern look was clear through my reading glasses. I tossed my pizza back onto the box and grabbed my Dr. Pepper. I opened the cap and the soda fizzed. I chugged and chugged just to avoid Jamie's light brown eyes. After a while, she still didn't say anything. So unless I wanted to drown in my favourite drink, I had to slap the cap back on and set it aside. Now, back to my pizza.

"We have to do this for Dad," Jamie couldn't help but yawn.

I stole a glance at my laptop for the time. It was 12:09 AM. The move was at 9 in the morning. 9 more hours to go.

"I'm not starting all over again, Jamie," I half-screamed. "This is our home, nothing's gonna feel this way ever again."

"So you would rather stay here and get to see Dad once in a blue moon?" she retorted just as strongly.

"Dad's doing just fine here. You guys are being silly," I countered.

"And you're being selfish!" she shouted. A dog from outside barked at the sound of her voice.

I cringed. "You sound like Blair."

Jamie sighed, realizing that she had let her temper get the best of her. "Don't you want to spend your last night here inside our house?"

I merely shrugged and got another slice of pizza from the box.

"I tried," she breathed out, stood up, and headed for the tent flap.

"Jamie, wait," I called before she could exit.

She turned with an expectant look on her face. Don't tell me she actually thought that I was going to change my mind.

"I'll give you pizza if you don't tell mom," I proposed, trying to untangle a slice from a web of mozarella.

Her expression deflated but with a slight nod, she said, "Make that two and it's a deal."


A/N Hey guys! This is my first story here in Wattpad. The story is set in London but I don't actually live there so my apologies for any mistakes with the sites, language and locations. I hoped you liked the prologue! Please tell me what you think! :D

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