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(Sorry for the photo thought it was kinda funny for the topic😂) (this was suggested by one of you guys! So thank you for reading and Enjoy) (y/s/n means your sons name y/d/n means your daughters name.)

You and Mark have been married for a couple of months now and you wanted to talk to him about having a baby.  It has become a routine for you two to watch a movie or cuddle or something if he wasn't busy.  You were laying down with your legs on his lap and he was sitting up. "M-Mark....." You were pretty much shaking because you were afraid of how he would react. What if he doesn't wanna kid with me? What if- "Yeah? Babe, what's up" You sit up with your legs still on his lap.  "ya know how we are married now... And I was thinking..... Maybe we could....have a baby..." You close your eyes and you open them back up after a couple seconds. He pauses the tv and looks at you. "Yeah..." He said with a nervous smile. "Can we try? I-is that ok?" He kept looking at the floor. "Of course" You and Mark had never really had an awkward conversation. You guys were always upfront. This was a serious topic and it still scared you. He pushed you down on the couch and started to kiss your neck.

~skip the sexy times (go read some smut then come back. Ya nasties)~

You kiss his cheek and he kisses you back. You lay on your couch wrapped up in the blanket you had brought out. Life. Was. Good.

~time skip~
You sit on the toilet awaiting the outcome of the test you had taken. Mark was in the recording room and you thought it was the perfect time to surprise him. You didn't know if you were pregnant or not but surprising him with the news of a new baby or surprise 'hey Mark wanna get laid?' Sounded pretty cool too.
The test came back with two red lines and you jumped up with tears of joy in your eyes. You started to cry. You put the cap on the test and slowly crying-walking into Mark's recording room. You opened the door with a smile and red eyes. He immediately got up from his chair hugged you and asked what is wrong. "Y/n! Oh my god. Are you ok?" You slipped him the test and he looked at it in shock. He also had tears in his eyes. "Is this-" you nodded your head knowing exactly what he was thinking. He picked you up and spun you around. You melted into a laughing mess. "Careful your going to blend the baby!" You said laughing and crying. He sat you down "oh shit, I should probably not make Mark jr. Into MARKIMESH." You died laughing. "What if it's a y/n jr. Then what would you do?" He kneeled down to your belly and said "I would cherish her."

~18 weeks~
"I'm ready, I'm ready, I'm ready" Mark was jumping around the house trying to find pants so we can go to the doctor to find out the gender of the baby. You belly was growing. You felt like crap all of the time but knowing that the thing causing you pain was yours and yours to keep made you feel a lot better. A Mark came dancing down the hall still chanting like spongebob with some pants on for once. "Let's get in the car" you struggle to et up from your belly ", like rIgHt NoW" you laugh and he gives you a hand up from the situation that you were in. You walk to the car and Mark opens the door for you, and you slide in the car. "Are you excited?" You ask as if you were asking a little kid. "WeLL ShiT YeAh" "mE ToO" "I hope it's a boy." He says with a huge grin on his face.

After a long drive to the doctors they check you in and lay you down. They put this warm lotion on your belly and put the remote to it. Mark was holding your hand. He had teary eyes and a smile on his face. The doctor looked at you  with a smile "would you like to-" "yes!" Mark interrupted and you slapped him on the shoulder. The doctor giggled and moved the remote around more. Mark still had a hold of my hand. "Looks like your baby is a boy. Congratulations!" Mark jumped up and started to cry. He hugged you and kissed you on the forehead. Then he hugged the doctor. What a shit-ass. You were so happy. Looks like Mark was too.

~8 months~
You felt awful. You had to waddle around everywhere, you were moody as all balls, you constantly threw up, and you had to pee every time you did anything. It sucked but Mark would talk to your belly ALL THE TIME, and not just for a few seconds but sometimes for an hour. You always fell asleep to his deep voice soothing you and the lil human growing inside you. It made you happy to go through the pain because it was well worth it. Mark also felt bad for you. He was always there by your side when you were puking or hurting or anything like that. You ate like a maniac but Mark did it too just to make you feel more comfortable. You were excited because the baby would be here in a couple of weeks. Mark couldn't hold it in. He always talked to you about what it would be like to make memories with the baby and the future with it. He was completely obsessed with the idea of him being a parent.

~9 months~

You and Mark were in the car on the way to a fancy date because he hadn't taken you to a date ever since you guys found out you were pregnant. He wanted you to have a nice dinner and you were due in 5 days but you didn't think  "he" would come home. You were in the car and in a really cute dress. One that made you feel less insecure about your belly bump.
"Mark. Turn. Around." "Why?! We are almost there" you felt like a pool just came out of you. You started to hurt (down there) and you started to breathe heavy. "It's happening." "It's happening?" "It is now GET ME TO A GODAMN HOSPITAL!" "Holy shit ok" he started to speed up in another direction all while the pain was getting worse. You eventually arrived at the hospital and Mark walked you to the ER. You went to the front desk and said you were going into labor. You were pretty much screaming in pain.

They were wheeling your bed into a hospital room which was filled with doctors and nurses.

~time skip because I don't want to describe birth~
You couldn't push enough so they put you into an emergency c-section. He next thing you knew you were in a bed with no pain at all and Mark holding your hand. "You're awake. Good." You look over to see a nurse holding a small blanket with a little Human in it. He was crying. She handed him to you and he stopped crying. Mark was hovering over the bed with more teary eyes. "Hi, I'm your mommy and this is your daddy" you said pointing to Mark. "Let's name him y/s/n. " Mark says "yeah, y/s/n sounds good."  He felt so warm and small in your hands. Like a little bundle of love. "Wanna hold him?" "Yes please." You hand him over to Mark. Mark starts to cry. "I love you." "I love you"


(If you would like me to write a part two tell me in the comments. If you would like me to write something else, I'll wright anything! 😘 as always I will se you in the next story BUHHHH BAIII)

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