Chapter 4

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A/N:  Hope you keep enjoying this story. Remember I update weekly and sorry if I guys keep you waiting. That's how it has to be. Anyway Hope you enjoy it. Bye~

Your P.O.V
I walked in and saw the boys looking at me. Hobi looked at me sadly. I saw that he was crying too, his eyes were puffy just like mine. "Sorry for running away from you guys." "It's ok Y/N ah. You needed to cool down," Jin said. You smiled weakly and then saw Hobi walking to you, stopped while looking down on you and you looking up at him due to the height difference. He hugged you and said," Mianhae, I didn't mean to hurt you." You wanted to hug him back but the pain of the cuts were holding you back. Pressure put on them would make it hurt even more some of the tears you shed with Ms. Jung were of the pain of the cuts. His embrace was warm, feeling safe and protected you haven't felt this feeling for months, you didn't want it to go away. He broke from the hug and you got your food from your bag. You began to eat with them and talked to the boys and they were unbelievably funny, annoying, and precious. You loved this feeling and you were smiling and laughing during the entire time. Especially when Ms. Jung teased the boys about their embarrassing moments. Time passed and the first bell rang indication lunch was over. You waved to the 6 boys goodbye and was left with Hobi and Ms. Jung. She went to her desk and you went to sit in your regular seat in the back alone since this is where you have homeroom and Hobi went up to you and rubbed his nape. "Is it ok for me to sit with you Y/N?" You smiled at his nervousness and said,"De. I would love it. What happened with calling me your princess it has grown on me" He sat down with you and smiled widely, "Really I can call you that!" You nodded in response and the rest of the class came. The second bell rang indicating class has began.
During the lesson was being taught you began to feel dizzy. You didn't know why until you looked at your sleeves. You saw some blood on it. You cursed at yourself mentally and panicking, hoping no one would notice it especially Hobi. He saw that something was wrong with you and just grabbed your hand to ensure you were ok. You calmed down until the bell rang a few minutes later. It meant school was over, you were glad, Hobi let go of your hand, and you started to pack quickly. You said your farewells to Hobi and Ms. Jung and asked them to say bye from you to the boys. You left and went walking home it was a 10 minute walk and arrived home. You aunt was still working and decided to drink some fluids and began to clean up and attent to your wounds before she came.
Time passed and this time you didn't just got lock herself in your room you began to feel that you wanted to draw like you used to. You always loved drawing you were really good at it. You grabbed the sketch book you had in one of the cabinets, you grabbed it and cleaned it since it had dust. You sat at the kitchen table were it was the brightest out of the whole house. You looked around and couldn't or think of anything to draw until you thought of Hobi. You began to draw him. You started with light strokes making out his shape of the head, his jawline, the way his hair was styled, his beautiful chocolate brown eyes, and so on. You finished in about 2 hours and your aunt came just when you finished. You greeted her and she was surprised to see you so happy and she missed it. You gave her a hug and helped her with her things and helped her with dinner. You were cutting the vegetables until your aunt said,"Y/N," you hummed in response,"You're different today, I don't mean it in a bad way but what happened today?" You replied," I met someone today they made me feel happy again, along with his friends." Your aunt teased,"Oh so its a guy, you like him don't you?" You began flustered and blushed,"A-Ani I don't. Well I think I don't." She laughed at you. "Calm down Y/N. I'm just teasing. Anyway tell me about this boy." You guys ate, cleaned the mess, and told her everthing that happened today and showed her the drawing you made. "Wow, daebak Y/N. Is this how he really looks like," you nodded,"Well I wouldn't mind if you married him." "Ya auntie. Don't say that." She laughed," What I'm telling the truth here." You groaned at her and she took the message to stop. You thought about your parents and became serious,"Auntie," she hummed,"What would you think my parents think of him." You aunt answered," Well honestly they would tranfer you to an all girls school if they would've known about this Hoseok boy." Both of you chuckled. "You're probably right they would never let me have a guy friend." You then asked about her day at work and talked about other things just like the old days. Night came and when you looked at the watch it was already 9. You widen your eyes and realized you guys were talking for hours and you still haven't done your homework. You panicked and left your aunt and she understood and she went to sleep. Time passed and it became 10 and you fell asleep with only doing half of your homework.
You began to dream. This dream wasn't bad or horrible. It was with Hobi. He's waiting for you in front of the school you smile at him and he smiles back. "Did my princess sleep well?" You nodded. He kissed you and interwined his hands with you and started to walk to school together. You felt complete, you never wanted for the moment to end.
You woke up at 4 am. You were smiling due to the dream and then you saw that you still had much homework to do. You thought I could make breakfast and then leave by 6 to do my homework at school. You made breakfast for you and your aunt. She was surprised to see you making breakfast and she insisted on helping you but you wouldn't let her. She gave up and got dressed, she ate with you and helped to clean up. You were about to leave but she stopped you and asked you why you were leaving so early. You told her that you still needed to finish your homework. You left, you were on the driveway when you remembered about your sketch book and walked back inside and took it with you. You walked to school and headed to your first period. You were surprise to find Ms. Jung here. "Ms. Jung?" She looked up and smiled," Well you're here early. What's the reason?" "Well I forgot to do my some of homework since I fell asleep," You laughed nervously,"What about you?" She smiled,"Well I'm the one who has to open the school even though that's the princial's job but I come before her anyway so I open up." You nodded and remembered about your sketch book."Uh, Ms.Jung," she inturpted, "Just call me Unnie when we aren't in class." You nodded," Well Unnie you remember how I would show you my drawings in my sketch book?" She nodded,"Well I finally started to draw again and I drew this." You got the book and and nervously flipped to the page since you don't know what she may say. You showed her and her eyes widened and her jaw dropped. "Wow daebak you have so much talent Y/N! It looks just like him." You about say thanks but you were inturpted by someone," What looks like him?" You closed your sketch book and didn't turn around. Unnie then said,"Nothing." Hobi questioned,"If you say so." You turned around and smiled at him," Good morning Hobi." He was shocked, "Princess your here early." "Well I still need to finish the homework so.." He nodded and both went your guys' seat. You were working hard until Hobi poked you. "What is it Hobi?" "You know Princess, you can copy my homework we have all classes together." "Jinjja?" He smiled ^_^,"De." "Thank you so much Hobi, I promise this won't be a habit for me." He handed his homework to you and with that you kissed his cheek and continued to finish your homework of course while blushing madly but your hair covered your cheeks so he wouldn't know.

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