Chapter 9

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Hoseok's P.O.V
I watched her sit on the sofa for hours without saying a single word at all. She's been staring at the wall looking like if she was in denial. I offered her food but she didn't want any. She finally fell asleep in my arms. I look at her sleeping peacefully since her mom just died. Her eyes are so puffy since she cried so much. I kissed her before I went to sleep myself.
I was waken up by someone touching and shaking my shoulder. I looked to see who it was and saw it was Noona with a confused look. I look at the time and hours have passed since we fell asleep. I carefully move my arm away from my princess making sure not wake her up. I managed to leave the sofa without waking her up and carry her to my room. I put her on my bed and cover her with my blankets. I closed the door and I headed back to Noona. "Hobi, why is Y/N here. Isn't she supposed to be home by now. Her aunt would be worried." My eyes watered remembering the last words I heard her aunt say to her and to me. My tears finally began pouring out. Noona immediately sat us on the couch and hugged me to comfort me. She petted my hair while calming me down. "Shhh.... Hobi it's ok. Just tell me what happened."
After I finished telling her what happened she became terrified and wanted to call the police right away. I stopped her,"Noona I already notified them about what happened while the paramedics were at Y/N' s house. Taking while they we r taking her away." "Oh ok good," Noona calmed down. "I'm so worried about Y/N. I wonder how's she going to deal with it." "I don't know but I promised Rosa that I would take care of her niece and live with her." "Of course she's going to live with you. She can either come live with us or you leave to be with her." "Noona, I promised our parents that I wouldn't leave you alone. It's dangerous for you to live by yourself. We'll just have Y/N come and live with us." "Ok. Sometimes I wonder if we have our ages reversed since you protect me so much, it should be the other way around Hobi." "Your my only sister, of course I want to protect you." We hugged and I heard a creak. I turn to find my princess walking out of my room.
Your P.O.V
I wake up not on the couch anymore. I look around my surroundings and notice I'm in a bedroom. I scaned around and thought of it being Hobi's room since I recognize these shirts on the floor. His walls are white. The walls were decorated with many snapbacks and hiphop and dance posters. The floor is carpetted. The color is black, it looks nice. I sit up and get out of the covers and stand up. Wow I feel dizzy maybe I shouldn't have gotten up so fast. I headed to the door slowly and opened it, trying not to make to much sound. I began to walk carefully toward the living room. My head is hurting like a bitch. Ugh the pain is hurting so much and I'm still kind of dizzy. I see Hobi and Unnie. "Oh princess your awake. How are you feeling." Unnie asked right after him, "Oh Y/N do you feel okay?" "My head hurts so much and I feel dizzy. I need to....." then every thing went black.
Hoseok's P.O.V
Oh shit! I see Y/N collapse on the floor. I run to her and put her on the couch. "Noona get the rubbing alcohol and some cotton balls." "De I'm on it right away." I see Noona rush to go get the things I asked for. I look at my princess and notice shes very pale. This isn't very good for her health. I place my hand on her forehead and noticed she has a fever. "Aish... Y/N how could you be so careless. I don't like seeing you like this. It hurts me so much." Noona came back running and handed me what I asked for. I put alcohol on a cotton ball and put it close to her nose so she could smell it and wake her up. She inhaled it a couple times until she woke up coughing.
Your P.O.V
I wake up due to the strong smell of alcohol. I coughed since because it was strong and just looked at the ceiling and just laying there, not wanting to pass out again. I see Hobi's house pop into my vision and asks if I'm feeling ok. I nod my head to reassure him. "Can you sit up?" "Yeah." My voice sounded hoarse. Woah I soubd like a man right now. I sat up slowly while Hobi was helping me up to. I sat on the couch and felt really hot. "Y/N stay here with Hobi I'm going to make you some soup for your fever and some medicine. "Ah. Thanks Unnie. I'd love to have some soup." Unnie got up and felt me and Hobi. I look at Hobi carefully and notice something about him and look away blushing. 0_0 This entire time he didn't have a shirt on. Wow he's... he's... um.. Wow. "Jagiya what's wrong?" Shit he uses jagiya when he teases me. I avoid his gaze on me,"Nothing's wrong." He puts his hand on my cheek to make me look at him. I'm staring right into those dreamy eyes he has which I always get lost in. My eyes trail down to his exposed chest and back into his eyes while blushing madly. "Are you sure nothing's wrong?" He smirked. Shit I hate his smirk it's so attractive and UGH. Wae you do this to me Hobi or should I say Hoseok. "No I'm t-totaly fine." He leaned in closer,"So you wouldn't mind if I do this to you?" "I... I." "Shh." He leaned in closer and our noses were barely touching. I felt his breath on my lips. Soon our lips were going to touch and then they did. Everytime I kiss him, I feel like all my problems go away and I just go straight to heaven each time. The kiss was getting more intense and now Hobi was laying on top of me. His hand grabbed my waist while pulling him deeper into the kiss. We were at bliss until... Unnie screamed from the kitchen,"Y/N I'm bring your soup now with the medicine." I quickly pushed Hobi off me and he landed on the floor and I sat straight up on the couch, slightly out of breath. Unnie walked in the room,"Oh Hobi why we you on the floor?" "Well you know admiring the carpet's design. It's very interesting. Such a nice print." I laughed a little and saw that Unnie was suspicious of us. I thanked her and ate the soup and medicine she brought me and I finished it.
"So should we start moving your things into here today since we planned for you to live with us. There's much room in this house for you to live here. You won't be a bother at all." Unnie asked and thought back to mom. "I-I guess we could. I mean sure." I felt tears threating to fall. "Hey Y/N." I hummed back in response to Unnie. "Who's this Seunghyng that's after you." I looked up at here and took a deep breath. "Well... where should I begin."

A/N: Cliff hanger!!! Here comes the story of Seunghyung. Also, I hope you enjoyed it. Bye~

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