Chapter 8

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Your P.O.V
No no no no. This can't be real I thought he was in jail. Did he kill my aunt also. No no no no this can't be happening right now. It CAN'T.

Hoseok's P.O.V
Holy Shit what the hell is happening here. Who the hell is Seunghyung and wae wasn't I told of this guy. No this isn't the time to get jealous we're in danger right now. My princess could die. Now she began to tremble in my tight embrace.

Your P.O.V
I started to tremble. Unable to process what's happening right now. I whispered, "What did you do?" Seunghyng responded cocky,"Sorry babygirl I can't hear you." I shouted,"What the hell did you do." "Oh me. I'm innocent," he laughed,"Even I didn't believe myself. I need to work more on my lying. Also you thought I was arrested but the truth was I got away cause one of my buddies was one of those officers. He and I killed the real ones and we got away no problem at all. I'm just telling you if you were wondering at all babygirl." I shouted,"Did you kill her?" "Who your precious aunt of course I didn't but if you don't take her to a hospital soon then she will die. Anyway I should get going. I only came to give you a surprise visit." He walked to the door and waved bye. I ran to my aunt's room and found her on the floor with blood flowing out of her cause of the stab wound. I cried and ran to her,"Don't worry I'll save you aunt. You're all I have I need you. Don't leave me also." She started to say something but I cut her off,"Shh don't talk you'll be fine. Don't strain yourself Mom." I dialed my phone to call the ambulance. The phone operator answered,"What's your emergency?" "My aunt was stabbed please hurry, I don't want her to die," I sobbed. "Ok we'll be on your way and please stay on the phone and listen to me carefully." I nodded. "Ok is she still breathing?" "Yes she is." "Has she lost lots of blood?" "Yes." "Ok please put some pressure on the wound with a shirt or you hands." "Ok." I put the phone on speaker and added pressure to the wound on my aunt. Aunt still started to talk,"Y/N. I love you so much." A tear fell down from her cheek. "Remember that I love you and I want you to know something." I just cried while listening to her carefully. "Be happy with Hoseok. He's all the cure you need. Hoseok come here." Hobi kneeled down with me,"Take care of her no matter what. Keep her protected and I want her to live with you if I die. My final wish is that you make her happy. Even if there's fights always go kiss her and hug her at the end of the day. I hope you both end up together." Both of us sobbed and Hobi answered,"I will. I promise you that and much more. I will do every thing you ask from me and beyond. I'll make all of your wish come true." "She smiled and coughed,"At least I can die in peace I really hoped that I could have kids some day. I love you both just like if you were my own kids. I love you so much Y/N. Always remember that."
The grip both of our my hands began to loosen. "NO NO NO DON'T LEAVE ME MOM DON'T!" "At least I was called mom at least once before I die." "MOM MOM MOM DON'T DIE!" Her eyes closed and her grip went limp. "NO NO NO NO MOM NOOOOO!"
I kept hugging her begging her to come back but she didn't. I had blood all over my clothes and body. Then everything began a blur. The ambulance came and tried to revive her but, they couldn't. They wrapped her up and took her away. Hobi was with the medics. I just sat against the wall looking at the wall and then to my hands not processing that I'm the only one in my family left. I'm officially all alone, no more family dinners, no more happy birthdays on my mom's birthday. All of it gone. All alone. No one to cry to when I need my mom or my dad or my real mom. All of them gone. They are never coming back to me. I lost all of my family. I lost every thing except for Hobi. This time I'm not letting Hobi get away I already lost the 3 most important people in my life. I'm not going to lose anymore. Not the boys, not Unnie, and especially not Hobi.
Unable to walk for being to weak, Hobi carried me to his house. I could see the tears in his eyes while he was walking. We arrived and he put me on the couch. I'm still emotionless unable to move at all. Hobi comes back with a shirt of his and some of his sweatpants that were black. He set them on the couch next to me,"If you want to shower the bathroom is the first door to your right. I'm going to shower." He sniffled and left. I stared at the clothes next to me. I picked them up and slowly went to the bathroom to take a shower.
Once the water hit my skin I saw blood go down the drain. I stared at it and began to tremble. I lost it. I fell down on the shower floor, curled up into a ball and began to cry while the cold water hitting my skin. Not caring that the water was too cold I just cried and trembled from both from fear and from the coldness of the water. I cried and cried not bothering on washing with soap. I finally grabbed the soap and started to clean all of my body. I finally finished and change into the clothes Hobi gave me. I went to the couch and just sat there staring at absolutely nothing. Hobi came out shirtless and asked me if I want to eat something. I wasn't even flustered at all due to the shock. I shook my head indicating a no. He sat next to you and grabbed your hand. "I'm here now. I promise I won't leave you no matter what. I'll always be by your side." I wanted to cry but tears couldn't or wouldn't come out. Hobi made lean on to him and hugged me. I felt warm in his embrace amd I dozed off to sleep. The last thing I remember is he kissed my forehead and said,"I love you. I'll never leave you... ever." With that I fell asleep in his warm and loving embrace. It made me feel safe. I never want to leave him or him to leave me ever. I hope that day never happens. I just want to stay like this forever. I don't want to suffer anymore. I don't want anymore deaths. Anymore people I love taken away from me. No more sadness. Just no more pain at all.

A/N: It's Saturday! Here's another chapter and I'll try to update each Saturday but if I can't I'm sorry I'm just busy. ANYWAYS shameless self Promo right now. Please check out my other book called JHope Imagines. The title says all. Also on Instagram follow me @jagiyahobi it's the same as my wattpad username. I make BTS and EXO picture edits. Anyway self promo done. Anyway I hope you guys keep reading to find out more of the story. Bye~

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