Her Hero Academia (Reader)

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Part 1 : The Epiphany

"UA?" you asked.

"Yes, I managed to secure you a place via recommendation" your father muttered from behind a pile of paperwork. He works really hard for that hero crap in that school behind the scenes. He was quirk-less so he decided to compensate what he lacked with his intelligence. I mean someone needed to support the heroes from the shadows and that is where he shined.

I really admired him, but not this Hero shit, that caused him so much suffering and longing. I can still see the disappointment in his eyes.

"(Name)..." He whispered, you looked up and your eyes widened in shock.

"Become the hero I couldn't, and realize my dream for me..." His eyes lit with ambition. It was a rare sight to see. The sight of my father full of life whenever he talked about looking forward to seeing me on the news as the number 1 hero. 

"No worries dad" you plastered a fake smile on your face.

You entered the kitchen as your mom heated food with her steam quirk and sighed heavily.

"Don't worry sweetie, you'll definitely fit into UA" She smiled.

"How come my quirk is different from yours? Where did the wind quirk come from?" You asked for the first time as it struck to you.

"Its all about inheritance, my grandfather had the same quirk as you and was amongst the greatest heroes of his time. Its a miracle you've got it too" She answered.


As you walked from school, you decided to debate about whether you should talk to your dad about refusing the UA offer. You walked past an alleyway near the school and heard a yelp. You hid around the corner to inspect the regular scene of bullying, with Izuku on the floor and Bakugou with his friends surrounding him as usual.

"Writing in another one of these fucking shit books?! HUH??!!" yelled that rowdy prickhead Bakugou as he held up a notebook with a number on it. "Your asking for these to get burnt!" he laughed loudly with his friends as he threatened to burn it, drowning out Izuku's desperate plea.

Your body moved before you could understand what the hell you were doing and you ended up right in Bakugous face.

"Not you again. Who the fuck are you looking at, you ghost bitch!" He said referring to your complexion.

"My name is (name) you dumbass, and im looking at a fucking lowlife who wastes all his time committing acts of self glorification by shutting others down!" You started, shaky at first...

(what the hell are you saying me??...stop speaking ...please) your mind told you

" I heard your going to UA? Then act like a fucking hero to be, dont embarrass yourself like the time that slime villian almost choked the life out of you! FIX UP!" You finished by spitting these two words ferociously.

Taking advantage of the couple of seconds where everyone was stunned including Bakagou, you gushed up Izuku's textbook from Bakugou's loose grip with your quirk and snatched Izuku's wrist and flew up over the roofs of other buildings, ignoring Bakugou's angry growls of protest in the background.

After a comfortable distance, you both landed on the floor and you made sure you manipulated Izuku's landing with wind pressure so he had a soft arrival noticing he became a lot heavier. You sat down on a bench nearby and gestured to him.

"Thanks again for always saving me ..." He said timidly, blushing that ridiculous shade of harsh crimson whilst retrieving his textbook from you.

"Ive noticed your carrying weights a lot, but the most weirdest thing is these textbooks. What are they?" You asked carefully and watched him flinch.

He simply handed it over and you flicked through the pages and saw detailed studies and sketches of different heroes. Some you heard of, and even some you hadn't.

"Wow...your so devoted" You muttered in envy wishing you could share some of his ambition.

"Well, you see all these heroes with awesome quirks and you wonder... can someone like me become like them too with this ah-" He cut himself off and nervously looked down as if he was hiding something.

"So you're seriously going to UA as well as Bakugou then?" You asked surprised.

"Is it dumb?" Izuku said quietly. You looked over and saw his face full of hope, and remembered the permanent cloud of disappointment that shrouded your fathers eyes.

"Well..." You started, and you found yourself spilling everything about your fathers expectations, your dislike of Heroes.

"....and so my dislike of heroes came from seeing my dads disappointment rather than how i view and feel about them myself" you finished. Suddenly, you started to have mixed feelings on how you have been thinking all this time.

"Your your own person, with an amazing quirk. Don't suppress your own feelings for something else...."  Izuku started

"Back then, and all the other times you saved me from Bakugou. How did it feel?" He asked seriously. You were taken aback from his sternness as he was usually a wimp.

"Err uhh...Like my body and mouth were already in action before i could think..." you replied.

"Exactly!" Izuku said grabbing your hands and realizing what he had done. He shot back like an arrow blushing.

"T-top heroes always have stories from their childhood. The most thing they have in common is that their body moved before they had a chance to think" Izuku said as if he was reciting someone else's words. 

You reflected back on the overwhelming feeling of wanting to help those in need and how it actually felt like a brilliant adrenaline rush to shout at Bakagou and see his stunned expression.

You clenched your fist, breathing in deeply as an epiphany washed over you.

This seemed to have triggered Izuku to remember something. " Whats the time? Oh the schedu---ah!" He said in a blundering mess.

"Its ok..." You said rising to your feet with resolve in your eyes. "I need to go home too".

Izuku smiled "Yeah"


"Dad...mom...Im going to UA and Im going to be the number 1 hero." 

Authors note: Flashback is over. This story is kind of different. Its the reader developing relationships with different characters as the story goes on. This bit was obviously heavily Midoriya emphasized. 

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