Part 2: The Real Thing Starts Now

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It was afternoon and you rummaged for your phone and dialed Izuku's number.

He answered after the first ring and you heard a crash and nervous whimpering.

"Y-yes, Hello?" He stuttered.

"Izuku, what the hell was that? Did you drop your phone" You asked.

" Yeah I was expecting a call from All M--m-my mom! Yeah ...ha" He was a blundering mess and you had no idea what he said.

"So, how was the entrance exam?" You asked excitedly, you were half relieved and half disappointed that you had a recommendation. After all U.A was known for its difficulty to enter, but you kind of wanted to see what it was like.
You heard a stressed sigh from the other end.

"I found the written part OK, but its all going to be cancelled out by the--I have another call coming in! sorry (Name) I really need to pick this one up" Izuku's voice suddenly brightened up.

"Ok bye, don't keep your mom waiting" You chuckled. Only innocent Izuku would be that excited about his mom calling him.

You scrolled through your contacts, irritated that you didn't get any juicy info from Izuku, when your thumb hovered over a name.


Why the hell did you have Bakugou's number again? You recalled your last encounter with him, but shrugged it off. Curiosity got the better of you.

You hid your caller ID just in case.

Brrr Brrr Brrr Brrr

What the shit? You got irritated of waiting and was about to hang up.

"Oi who the fuck is this?!" You heard an irritated growl on the other side.

"Oh well, hello , good afternoon to you too" You replied sarcastically.

"Didn't know ghosts could dial" He mumbled absent mindedly.

"Why the hell do you even call me that?!" You strayed off topic, for some reason you wanted to know...

"Fucking calling me just to ask that?!"

"Okayy whatever byebye" You huffed

"Oi wait--"


You stood in front of the kitchen mirror, admiring your U.A uniform.

"Make me proud" Your dad said. You sensed a hint of desperation in his voice, or envy?

"Woah, what a fancy ass building" you whispered to yourself as you made your way to the entrance. In the distance you saw someone.

Those red shoes...

"Izukuu-u-u?!" You called out, your voice trailed off uncertainly just in case it wasn't him. I mean what kind of idiot identifies people by shoes?

He turned around. " Ah (name)!" He turned red and quickly hid his face. You caught up to his side.

"Seriously, how long have we known each other?there's no need to act embarrassed" You sighed.

"Your right, its easier this way instead of walking in alone" He said nervously. Well he sounded nervous but his face looked determined.

"What did you think of the entrance exam?" You asked.

"Well, in terms of difficulty I can certainly see why only few are accepted into U.A, but that wasn't all there was to it. The practical, in mumble particular truly mumble allowed mumble each individual's qualities to mumble mumble"

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