Prince of Nonsense

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Waking up the next morning, you realised your mother was cooking breakfast for the first time in a while. 

"Hows dad?", you mumbled as you walked into the kitchen.

"Well, for now they are keeping him in hospital to monitor his mental state, but don't worry all of his injuries are healed !" She said, you could tell by her mood that it was all fine.

You heard the doorbell ring as soon as you were putting your shoes on to go to school. You opened it to see Izuku blushing towards the floor.

"I-I was just wondering, If we could um...w-walk to school together-- alongside each other!, d-don't get the wrong idea, I-i mean as f-friends, we coul--"

You cut him off with a wave of your hand, " Of course, we're friends right?" you said, not sure why you found yourself hoping for any answer different than a simple 'yes'.

The walk to school was very awkward at first as you waited for Izuku to strike up conversation, but gave up.

"So, how is All Might as a teacher?" You asked, genuinely wanting to know.

"That sounds like something a reporter might say" Izuku smiled jokingly, " Well, at first you would think that it is quite shocking that the symbol of peace has decided to settle down as a teacher at U.A, *mumble* but I believe his first-hand experience at *mumble* being a top class hero is a lesson in itself  *mumble*, as for his actual teaching ability *mumble* he still needs to....*mumble,mumble,mumble*"

You let this mumbling drone on for a few minutes, it was better than silence right?

You took this moment to really look at Izuku, without his usual ritual of covering his face and turning away from you nervously. 

Those freckles are kinda cute...He keeps getting stronger and more independent with each passing day too. I wonder how his hair feels. ... were his hands always that big...

"Whats wrong (name), do you have a fever?" Izuku asked, and you realised he had stopped mumbling, staring at you as your cheeks were glowing red.

"A-ah, n-no this is...", Dammit, who''s the nervous one now?

" You don't? Then there are 3 other possibilities I can think of right now... a) The temperature is too high, but the forecast was only 18 degrees today...b) Perhaps .." You watched as he held a hand to his chin and seriously pondered about the cause of your flushed face.

"..and c) You experienced a sudden burst in emotio--"

"IZUKU!" You shrieked, shocked at yourself for being so loud.

"w-w-what!" He shrieked back startled at your shouting.

"" You looked around to try and find something to talk about to change the subject,

" Ah!, look over there by the school entrance. Don't you think there are too many reporters g-gathered there?" You said, relieved.

"You righ- ah" Suddenly the reporters swarmed the both of you, shoving you away from each other. A lady thrust a mic into Izuku's face asking about All might, whilst you were bombarded with cameras.

It took you a while to push through to Izuku who was saying something about having to go to the nurses office to the desperate reporters. You realised many other students were also being questioned.

"Yo, Izuku!" You said jogging up to him once again " You jinxed the thing about reporters!, but seriously why were they snapping so many photos of me! Is that even allowed?" You huffed.

"Its because your very pretty"

"Huh... what did you say?" You asked him, it can't have been what you thought you heard.

" um... I said I'm heading off to the nurse's office, see you in class" He waved.

You waved back, hmm, are you hearing things now?

"Move, Ghost girl" You felt something bump past your harshly, as Bakugou angrily pushed past you for no reason.

"Oi, come back here and apologise!!" You shouted after him." Geez you have such good guys like Izuku, meanwhile people like you just ruin it for everyone.." You mumbled to yourself.

Unfortunately he might have heard as he had begun to have a jealous outburst, shouting some nonsense insults.

 Izuku must be a really sensitive topic.


" lets get down to homeroom business" Aizawa-sensei announced. "sorry about the late notice, but today I'll have you all..."

You felt everyone tense up, probably because of the nerve wracking special test not so long ago.

"...decide on a class representative" He finished. You exhaled in relief.

Suddenly the class erupted, "I want to be the class representative, pick me!"

"me too!"

"I want to do it too!"

You even caught Bakugou shouting. Class representative... you never were really keen on it but this is U.A.

"Let me do it sense--" you tried to scream over your classmates but you were interrupted by Iida's loud voice.

"SILENCE. PLEASE! It is a job with the serious responsibility of leading others! It is not a job for just anyone who wants to do it! It is a calling that requires the trust of those around you! if we want a democracy to decide on the true leader, then we should hold an election to choose one!" 

He scolded the class with determination despite the fact that he was raising his hand like crazy.

" Leading others huh? seems like a pain doesn't it" You leaned over and whispered to Izuku next to you.

"R-right..." He said not looking at you...

As the time for voting came, you decided to do what everyone else would probably do and writ your own name. To your surprise, the results showed that izuku was in first place?!

"Why deku?! Who voted for him!" Bakugou growled, why does he get so jealous of everything. seriously?

"Well, its better than voting for you" Sero stated.

 You rolled your eyes at Bakugou, as he argued aggressively with Sero glancing over at an anxious Izuku,

"You can do it, class prez!" You cheered him on with a fist pump. He gave you a shakey smile as he headed to the front of the class. You found yourself shocked at the amount that he was trembling. You could almost hear the sound of his bones rattling.


Sorry for the short chapter, I caught a cold again. I'm so susceptible to illness lol

P.S: Is it only me who finds Tomura Shigaraki HAWT asf!!!!!!?????? I fell in love with him before his face reveal lol. It shows true love starts from the inside out. :)

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