Chapter 4

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The rain drizzled outside the window, it has been a while since this town has seen rain. Even though it was cold outside Willow was warm in her hospital bed watching the TV. She peeped at the clock on the wall, Its read 9:22am. There is still about half an hour until visiting hours start but surely her parents were aloud in to take her home. Willow hoped out of bed and rummaged through the bag of clothes her father had packed her. God knows what clothes he chose out. Willow was pleasantly surprised when she found her black Orchestra United shirt she had purchased at a concert a few years ago, she brought it big so that she could wear it longer. Orchestra United were the local band that had become rather popular in her district and the supporting act last night. She found a pair of grey fleecy track-pants and a fresh change of underwear. Each Ward had it's own shower and toilet and Willow planned on using it. She felt the hot water on her skin and washed her face to get rid of all the makeup from last night. She probably should of wiped it off last night but her dad forgot the facial wipes. She slipped on her shirt and pants and in bare feet crawled back into bed. Willow surfed through the channels finding nothing but boring Sunday morning breakfast shows. She kept flicking until she saw her parents walk through the doors into her ward.

"Hello darling, how are you feeling?" asked her father.

"Fine!" Willow jumped off the bed and shoved all her belongings into the duffle bag.

"Gee, so you right to come home then?" asked her mother. Everyone's eyes were fixated on the nurse and she felt instantly under pressure.

"Um, sure you are fine to leave. Please know that if you feel dizzy for even for a second you must come straight back to the hospital, okay?" stressed the nurse.

"Sure," replied Willow surely.

"Okay just make sure you see the front desk before you go, just so they can check you out," explained the nurse.

"Okay, will do," replied Kath and Matt almost simultaneously.

"Can we go now?" asked Willow.

"Sure, uh Willow please just be careful with your brother, he was a little touchy last night. I think he was stressed about you, when you get home just be nice to him," explained Kath.

"Really, I knew he was going to be touchy but not stressing out over me, I'll be careful," she promised.

"You know that because you are twins you two have a special bond and can feel some of the feelings the opposite one feels," explained Matt.

"Where did you hear that?" wondered Willow.

"No it's true!" Kath exclaimed. Willow looked at her surprised.

"That explains a lot," Willow thought to herself.

Chase rose from his chair quicker than Willow had ever seen him before. He stood in the living room awkwardly waiting for someone to say something, "I'm home, and fine," announced Willow trying to avoid looking suspicious.

"That's great," replied Chase.

"Yeah, it is," Willow slugged her duffle bag to her bedroom and slumped onto her bed.

"I missed you, you know," Willow always knew Chase was emotional but this is getting ridiculous. A single tear fell down his face and Willow hugged him tight.

"I missed you too," she said trying to make him feel better. Chase has never been a manly guy, he'd prefer to sit at a piano all day than play a game of rugby. He has never been a fan of football but when his Dad asks who his favourite team is he just says the first team that comes to mind, It's either Manly or Roosters. They are probably the only teams he knows. He doesn't have many friends and the one's he does are either female or much older than him, like his piano teacher. She is 68 and has blue hair, his Dad tries to make a joke of it to lighten the mood sometimes but he knows it only stirs Chase and forces him to snap.

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