Chapter 8

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Beau's sleepy eyes opened and the light from the window stung his eyes forcing him to squint. He noticed Willow's limp arm slung around his torso as she slept. He carefully turned over facing her. She was so peaceful. Her features were so fine, eyelids shut, her lips were peachy red. The occasional freckle and the scar on her cheekbone where she told him she ran into a door when she was eight.

Her eyelids flickered and opened, "Oh I must of fallen asleep," she said looking straight into Beau's eyes. I could get used to this, she thought.

"Well, its 8:23am," he said raising his eyebrows and leaning over her to check the alarm clock.

Willow laughed, "You stayed the night and we never even knew," she said giggling.

"Uhh you two are awake huh?" Kath said smiling.

"I thought you'd wake us?" Willow asked curious.

"Well, you looked so peaceful, don't worry Beau I rang your mum, she was fine with it," Kath said, "You two come down for breakfast whenever your ready," She said before leaving them and shutting the door behind her.

"I cant believe she let you stay!" Willow said snuggling against Beau.

"Well she obviously trusts you," Beau said.

"Or she trusts you," Willow said looking up at him. Beau smiled and felt instantly good about himself.

"You hungry?" Willow asked.

"Starving, you?" asked Beau patting his stomach.

"Yeah same," Willow giggled and she put her arm around Beau again. She snuggled there and closed her eyes. Kath had put a doona from the linen cupboard on them last night.

Willow crawled out of bed and helped Beau up pulling him from both arms, like she used to do to her grandfather when she wanted him to get her something and she had to pull him out of the chair. She fell back taking Beau down with me.

"You falling for me?" laughed Willow as Beau landed next to her on the floor.

"Probably," said Beau laughing.

"Well if I'm going down you're coming with me," Willow said argumentatively.

"Gladly!" Beau said smiling, Willow knew he meant more than just falling off her bed.

Beau leant forward and grasped Willow's hip with his left hand and used his right hand to hold himself up. Their lips clashed together but were interrupted by Kath, "Beau! Willow! Breakfast in ready,"

"I guess we better get back to that later," Beau said helping Willow up.

"I guess so," Willow said as she realised they were still wearing the same clothes they wore at the cinema.

"Do you want something else to wear? I have some baggier tops you can wear and I'll find the baggiest track pants I have," Willow said handing him a footy jersey and pair of grey track pants.

"Thanks Will," Beau said ripping off his shirt. His body was better than Willow first thought. Uh Collar bones, abs no, no a six pack!

"You have bigger boobs than me!" Willow said in aw of his body.

"Are you really comparing your boobs to mine?" Beau asked laughing almost uncontrollably. He slipped on the jersey and ripped off his jeans, Ooh a briefs kind of guy. He slid on her track pants and they fit well.

"Look Will, your perfect!" he said before reciting Wake me up by Ed Sheeran.

"And you should never cut your hair

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