Chapter 18

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"Mum!" Willow screamed from her bedroom.

"WHAT!!" Kath screeched back.

"Help me! I don't know what to wear?"

"Coming," Kath said as she made her way to Willow's bedroom.

"This looks nice?" Kath said holding up a blue and white checked dress that hugged her around her body until her hips where it flowed out. It reminded Willow of Dorothy's dress from 'The Wizard of Oz'  but strapless.

"Yes I love this dress!" Willow squealed, "I haven't seen this dress in ages, I forgot I even had it!" She stripped down and slipped on the dress.

"That looks really nice!" Kath said.

"okay, ill just go and fix my hair, Beau will be here soon," Willow glanced at her wrist watch and noticed it was 9:45am "Crap!"

Willow curled the tips of her hair and never bothered with makeup. She sprayed some perfume on her wrists and neck and slipped on some lip gloss when the doorbell sounded.

"Hi Beau, she should be down in a second," Matt said answering the door. As Willow exposed herself she saw Beau's mouth drop to the floor.

"You look amazing," Beau said looking her up and down.

"So do you," Willow said noting his favourite maroon jeans and button up blue shirt.

"Thankyou," Beau said leading her to his mothers car. "To the park," Beau said as Kelly drove them.

"I love this park!" Willow said jumping from the car and grabbing out the blanket whilst Beau carried the picnic basket.

"Me too," Beau said sitting on the blanket after Willow lied it out.

Beau opened the basket and placed out strawberries, mangoes and chocolate. "You know me too well," Willow said taking a piece of mango.

"I know I do," Beau replied taking a strawberry and placing the chocolate in a bowl and sitting it in the sun.

"Are you trying to melt it?" Willow asked curious as to what he was thinking.

"Yep, it will melt fast in this heat," Beau said standing up.

"Where are you going?" Willow asked.

"Up the hill," Beau said dragging her up the hill.

"Lets run," Beau said taking her hand, "One, two... Three!" Beau screamed racing down the hill, holding Willow hand. Willow's other hand holding up her dress. She got to the bottom of the hill and her feet couldn't keep up and she went tumbling over.

"WILL!!" Beau yelled falling to his knees by her side. He heard muffled laughing and realised he had been fooled, "You little liar!" Beau said chasing her through the park. Willow stopped when she was out of breath and Beau lifted her chin.

"Will I have to ask you something," He said almost whispering. People began to hover around them trying to understand what he is telling her.

"Go ahead," Willow said tearing her attention from the bystanders.

"Will, we have been through so much together in such a short amount of time, but it feels like so much longer. I love you so much, you are my everything and I'll be forever content if I wake up by you for the rest of my days. Will, we both have good jobs, no school to worry about since we dropped out after the accident. I want our journey to begin, I want our lives to start, together. Willow Elizabeth Taylor, will you do me the extraordinary honour of marrying me?" Beau said kneeling down onto his right knee and pulling out a black velvet box, he looked up into Willow's wide eyes to catch her expression as he opened the box. A diamond ring shone back at her, the sun reflected off the ring and shone straight into Willow's eyes. A single tear fell down her cheek as the shock took over.

"Yes Beau, of course. I love you!" Willow said hugging him so tightly she felt as though they were one. Tears fell from Beau's soft eyes as he took in the current situation, Willow said yes. "God, I love you so much Will!" He said holding her even tighter, if that was even possible.

"I cannot believe you," Willow whispered as they sat and ate sandwiches on the blanket.

"What? You think we are too young?" Beau asked worried.

"No, of course not. I thought this was just a picnic," Willow said stroking the blanket.

"A bit more than that," Beau said giggling.

"Sure was!" Willow said, "I don't think it has really sunk in yet," Willow whispered.

"You're still in shock," Beau joked.

"Yeah, you could say that. Ay how did you get my Dad to agree to this?" Willow asked.

"Well he was totally for it actually, he helped me pick out the ring," Beau said, Willow was instantly proud of her Dad.

"You pair did a great job," Willow said gazing at the ring on her finger, "It's absolutely gorgeous."

"Thanks Will," Beau's cheeks flushed a bright red.

"So when do you plan of tying the knot?" Willow asked curious whether he had thought it all through.

"I was thinking, next summer. Just over a year from now. By the damn, through the willow trees," Beau said.

"Willow trees," Willow repeated.

"My favourite," Beau whispered kissing Willow. It knocked the breath from her.

"So it's your house tonight?" Willow asked out of breath.

"Sure, Mum's away," Beau said taking Willow's hand and leading her to the water's edge, "Fancy a dip?" Beau asked shocking Willow once more.

"Um Beau I didn't bring my swimmers?" Willow said, "You didn't mention swimming."

"Who said anything about swimmers," Beau said taking off his clothes.

"You are one crazy guy, Beau Coleman," Willow stated before giving in to temptation and taking off her clothes aswell.

"Ah, it's freezing!" Willow said dipping in her toes. The evening sky was beginning to set behind them and the people were scarce.

"You'll live," Beau said coaxing her in.

"Oh God!" Willow squealed as she dove into the water.

"Come here," Beau whispered pulling her close.

"Beau, you said your Mum left. How are we supposed to get home?" Willow said stressed.

"Oh dearie me? What shall we do? Looks like we'll have to freeze?" Beau teased.

"Beau!" Willow screeched splashing him with water.

"It's okay, Will. We will just have to sleep here, if that's okay with you? It's a hot night. We wont freeze. We have the blanket to lay on and I have some jackets and a doona." Willow suddenly noticed the obese bag by the willow tree.

"You put it there on purpose didn't you, you knew I would freak out!" Willow said splashing him again.

"Maybe, look Will, I know you too bloody well!" He said laughing.

"Yeah, I know," Willow said he cheeks turning red.

"You cold?" Beau said jumping out of the water and helping Willow out. He put on clothes after he was dry and wrapped himself along with Willow up in blankets, jackets and the doona.

"Nah," Willow finally said, "Beau? Pillows?" Willow said giggling.

"Whoops!" Beau said a sympathetic look over his face.

"Don't worry I'll use you!" Willow said resting her head on his arm, "I love you! Thankyou so much for today!" Willow said her voice tired.

"I love you," Beau said resting a kiss on her forehead.

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