I'll take care of you.

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"What!" Chelsea dropped her phone in disbelief and began hyperventilating. Tears began to rush down her cheeks and she felt light-headed. She held onto the edge of the nightstand beside her bed to stable herself. The news she had just received sent a shock through her entire body as though someone had stabbed her heart with a dagger. Not wanting to waste another moment, Chelsea threw her blanket aside, rushed out of bed and ran downstairs. She grabbed her car keys, yanked the front door open, jumped into the front seat of her car-totally ignoring the fact that she was still in her pajamas-and speedily drove to her friend's house. It was 2:15 am and she was driving at 140 mph.

When she approached the street to her friend's house, she saw that a huge crowd was gathered in front of their yard. There were police cars, an ambulance and other vehicles parked outside. Yellow tapes which said "Police Line. Do not cross" ran crisscrossed along the length and breadth of the front yard.

Chelsea's heart rate increased and she suddenly felt queasy. Slowly, she got out of her car and made her way towards the crowd. The night was chilly and the air had a pungent smell to it-like death. As she walked, the wind blew her brown hair across her face and she felt a coldness on her cheeks where her tears rolled off. She tucked her hair behind her ears and forced her way through the crowd. Chelsea could feel the tension weighing down on her as she heard the murmuring of the people around her:

Who could do such a thing? Those innocent souls! Thank god Nia wasn't-OMG!! Chelsea snapped her head up when she heard everyone gasping and crying out. Her eyes grew wide and burned as tears poured out of them.

Some policemen were bringing two bodies, wrapped in bloody white sheets, out from the house. She suddenly felt heavy; her knees gave away and she fell to the ground with her hands over her mouth. A few of the neighbors who knew her rushed to comfort her but Chelsea hardly even noticed them.

"Nooo-no no no!" She cried, " why...whyy God! Aunty Rosey...Uncle Mark...please nooo!!"

"Shhh sweetheart," a woman cried, as she took Chelsea in her arms and began stroking her hair, "if you don't stay strong, how will Nia stay strong?"

Nia. Chelsea gasped. She forgot about her best friend. She looked up at the woman who spoke to her and saw that it was Mrs. Forbes, a middle-aged woman with blonde hair who lived a couple of houses away. Her eyes were shimmering and red because she was trying hard to hold back her tears.

"Where is...where is she?" Chelsea struggled to ask because her throat was very dry.

Mrs. Forbes ran her fingers through Chelsea's hair, gave her a slight smile then pointed in front of her. Chelsea turned her head around to follow Mrs. Forbes' finger and she felt a slight relief.

"Nia!" She cried as she got up and ran towards the girl who was sitting very still on the neighbor's front porch. The girl didn't even acknowledge Chelsea's presence. She remained very still as though she was a statue.

Chelsea felt her stomach drop. She hated to see her friend like this. Quickly, she pulled Nia into her arms and cried. "Thank God you're okay. I'm so sorry Nia." But the same thing happened again, Nia didn't respond. Heck, the girl didn't even blink once.

"She's been like that ever since she came home and found her parents in that condition," a familiar voice said. Chelsea looked up and saw Mrs. Forbes approaching them.

"What? She found them like that?" Chelsea asked confused, "Nia wasn't home when this happened?"

"I'm pretty sure she wasn't. We heard her scream and when we ran over she was on the floor looking at her parents who were in a pool of blood. The blood wasn't fresh, which means that they died a good while before Kenia found them. She was probably out because she's all dressed up," the woman gestured toward Nia who looked pretty over-dressed for bed, "but Thank god for that because the killers could have gotten her too."

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