Baby Sitter

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School went smoother then Kurt had ever expected. Normally he would have his usual schedule of beatings, the slushy facial, dumpster throw, shove-ins, and the lovely name calls. Today, all he had was a shove. For Kurt that seemed like a miracle. The cause of that miracle, Blaine.

Kurt smiled the whole way he drove him. Just thinking about Blaine made him smile even wider ,if it was possible. Part of him knew he had to cut it out, Blaine was older, adored by many. Why would he go for a high school nobody?

He arrived home and took off his accessories, and got into his grey sweater, with the off he shoulder, zip up sleeves. He put on his black fuzzy sock, and went down to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water.

His phone rang his ring tone of defying gravity, and he picked it up seeing Quinn's name light up on the screen. "Bonjour." He chirped into it, balancing it between his cheek and shoulder.

"Hey, any chance you wanna see your favorite niece today?" Quinn said happily.

"You need a baby sitter?" Kurt translated, opening his bottle up.

"Yes I need a baby sitter." Quinn sighed, affirming Kurt. After Quinn's pregnancy they decided to keep the baby. Pucks uncle, Joey, had a spare apartment he didn't use. They lived in the apartment taking care of Beth, Kurt was Beth's favorite sitter. They had this bond, no one could really describe of.

"Of course. I would love to see my little B." Kurt smiled taking a sip of his water.

"Thank you, I don't know what I would do without you. Come by around four?" Quinn asked, picking up a fussy Beth, in the back ground.

"I'll be there, see you soon. Au Revoir." Kurt smiled into the call.

"Bye." Quinn said, Kurt could hear the smile in her tone, making him happy as well.

When four came around, Kurt got what he needed and drove to Quick's, as he liked to call Quinn and Puck's place. He knocked on the door with Quinn answering, she dressed in a strapless navy blue dress, that went just above her knees. Kurt of course has helped pick it out.

"Damn Q, don't you look stunning." Kurt smiled and walked in.

"Why thank you." She smiled giving him a twirl. Kurt smiled as he looked her over. She looked beautiful, make up just right and her hair curled. It was obviously going to be a fancy date night.

Puck came out, with berth in hand, in a black suit and red tie, another of Kurt's lovely picks.
"I'm so proud Noah." Kurt smiled clapping his hands.

Puck scoffed and went to Kurt, handing Beth over to him. Kurt smiled taking her ,and giving her a soft smiled. She gave a giggle in return as Puck collected all his things, into his pockets.

"You know the drill, numbers on the fridge, bottles are good to go, and you know where everything is." Puck said reassuring himself, and Kurt. (Mostly himself)

"I know Noah, have a good time please." Kurt smiled. Quinn smiled going to coo at Beth one last time. There was another knock at the door making Kurt confused. "I know baby sitting Beth probably isn't how you want to spend your night ,so I got you a friend."

Puck opened the door reviling Blaine, on the other end. His hands in his pockets wearing sweats, he was obviously relaxing like him.

"So you got me a baby sitter." Kurt said looking at Puck. Puck chuckled and shook his head welcoming Blaine in. "Correction- I got you a friend."

"I can leave if it's too much." Blaine said. "Not it's fine." Puck quickly replied. "Quinn, come, we have reservations in Westerville." Quinn nodded saying her goodbye, to Kurt and the baby, walking off with Puck.

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