The Unexpected-3

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Fiddle, fiddle, fiddle...

I jumped at the sound of metal hitting the table. I looked up from my thumbs and winced at the sight of the heart. No way was I going to touch that spongy thing. What's more, a girl is sitting beside me. I decided to stand up and ask the teacher whether I could go to the bathroom again. I mean, if you were me, would you want to escape from this torture?

Before I could even move, I felt a hand touch my arm. 


I cut into her sentence.

"One, don't ever touch me."

She took her hand away.

"Two, don't ever touch me.

She looked at me with an irritated look and folded her arms across her chest.

"Listen, I don't like you any more than you like me. I know all the girls in school drool over you but guess what, I don't. So, let's finish this dissection together and we don't have to talk to each other again. Deal?"

Wait, what?

I blinked several times and digested her words. This is the first time any girl has said that to me. I forrowed my eyebrows in confusion and came out with the last words I thought I would say to any girl on earth.

"Why don't you like me?"

The moment those words came out of my mouth, I wanted to jump off the school building.

"Why? All the girls are after you and you act like you are so full of it! I mean, look at what you just said to me! I just find you irritating and proud, Conrad."

Aw man, if I listened to my voice and jumped, that second last sentence would not have been heard. 

However, I was really angry at the fact that she said I am proud of all the attention. I gave a sarcastic laugh and said,"Me? You did not just say that."

"I very well just did."

I pratically shouted at her.

"Fine! Let's just get this stupid dissection over and done with, and we'll never have to talk again!"

She looked shocked and angry by the fact that I had just raised my voice. Clearly she thinks that I had no right to do that and that I was in the wrong. She gave me a disgusted look before saying, "I can't believe you."

Oh you had better believe it.

The whole process was terrible. We had a hard time talking to each other after that conversation. Finally, we managed to cut the heart in half and presented our work to Mr. Clpain.

"Very good, the both of you." He hesitated for awhile. "Ok, since you are both done with your work, I will grant you early dismissal from class." He raised his eyebrows, expecting us to jump up in the air and high-five or something.

You have no idea how fast we both grabbed our bags and stormed out of class.


I was ranting to Janelle about Corvene at my locker.

"Do I freaking look like I'm full of it? Huh?"

"Maybe she just misintepreted your expressions...people do make mistakes, you know? Anyway, I'm supposed to meet Jason and pass him his computer now. See you later!"

Jason is Janelle's childhood friend, and they have been attending the same school up till now. However, you no idea how irritated he gets when she forgets to bring her computer, which, by the  way, is almost every day.

Janelle ran off to find Jason while I got my writing materials out of my locker. The next lesson is English and I now have to face a teacher who puts on way to much make-up everyday. I always dread this lesson as I can't sleep in English, bacause apparently I'm so good Mrs. Smith calls on me approximately every second.

I felt a familiar feeling of a hand on my arm as I slammed my locker shut.


Hey guys! So the picture I posted on the side is Corvene. I hope you are enjoying the story so far! :) 

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