Chapter 1: A Normal Day.

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Chapter 1: A normal day.

"Another day is a new day... At least I hope so." I said to myself as I got up from my very organized bed. All the blankets are in place, the pillows look like it's barely even touched by me and no mess on the floor, just like any normal day. Looked in my closet and saw all my clothes in chromatic order and properly ironed even if I only use one of my clothes, the best of the best, my office suit.

I decided to shed some light in my room, so I lazily walked to the window frame and opened my room to the world and it's the same what I always see in this place: gray buildings towering beneath my humble apartment space, people wearing their office suits off to their jobs and cars moving in synchronized order. Thankfully nothing changed.

I headed to my bathroom to get myself cleaned up; I got in the bathroom it's still in perfect shape. The containers are arranged from the big shampoo container from my toothpaste and toothbrush on the side, all in my favorite color, white. I got in the shower and started cleaning myself from head to toe with nice lukewarm water and after everything, I dried myself off with my towel.

I got in the bedroom and wore my inner clothing and went to my perfectly round white table, how lovely it matches with the crisp checkerboard pattern on the floor. I sat on my white plastic chair and have decided I will eat a pretty big breakfast today, so I got the on-the-go lasagna I bought with some of my money yesterday and heated it up. I got my work pants on and checked on my oven; I saw the cheese bubbling on top of the pan, my mouth started watering.

After I got dressed, I heard the bell from the oven; my breakfast is ready. I carefully took out the cheese boiling masterpiece from the oven and let it cool off: I got a fork and pierced it to the mouth-watering lasagna and got myself a serving of heaven. Nothing like white cheese and pasta can be replaced by any other breakfast.

I got myself filled up until I realized I still have to work! I got my briefcase and got out of my room, and fortunately locking the door before I left. I rushed down the tiled stairs down to the ground floor and finally through the rotating door; yes, the apartment has a rotating door which is pretty interesting because it's not a big building but they have a very big rotating glass door.

Buildings that I have seen for 730 days and still no color other than the best color, gray. I can just look at this site for hours, but I have to go to work. I went to the sea of people and through the pedestrian lane, I love it when we are so organized and everyone is in their proper place.

"Hello?" a woman tapped me on the back, "Where's District E?"

Ughhh... I hate people when they ask for directions because that only means they didn't memorize their "Living Manual 2015" which is obscure since everyone already memorized the 850 paged book, right? But I guess that question is not that bad.

"It's to your right." as I pointed to Pedestrian Lane No. 0072 – E. "Thank you." And she started walking with the flow through PL-E. Finally, the red light flashed, and the people moved through the lane like water through a tube. Walking on the same sidewalk provided; seeing newspaper vendors, other working units, and the train rushing through... Ummm... Oh! Railway N-6! Wow, I almost forgot that! I have to look in that in the manual later when I come back home.

Finally, I am here, my place, my home.

The opening of the automatic door is just pleasing to see, it's like the building is accepting me to do my job. I got in the building and it felt like my first day on the job, with the cold breeze of the air-conditioned lobby making it such a comfortable place to rest, have a cup of tea, and maybe even sleep. But again, I still have to go work on my chair, typing papers and sending reports to our boss which is totally fine because spending about half my day in this building isn't really a big deal but...

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