5: Xenos

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This is a very important part in the story because many many many new and interesting things will be released. The boring part is officially over get ready for the AMAZING part! Enjoy the read!

He could have recognised the soft thumps of his footsteps from a mile away. And his scent, oh his scent  was still so prominent. He was sure it was Ethan standing in front of the door. But how was it possible? He had abandoned all hope of meeting him again after the War.

"Xenos..." Ethan sounded needy.

Every inch of his skin squirmed at the joy of hearing his voice. But he couldn't bring his eyes to behold him. Maybe it was just a dream, maybe he was going mad in his isolation. Instead he quickly glanced at himself. Even in the darkness he could see well thanks to his larger pupils. He was sprawled on the floor with his large velvet black wings wrapped around him.

His mind was in turmoil. Emotions wrestled in his grip. All he wanted to do now was grab Ethan in a tight hug and never let go. But he restrained himself.

No I am an outcast. A traitor. I can't let him come back to me.

In his doubtful voice he said reluctantly,"Go back Ethan. There is nothing here for you."

When there was no reply, his hope crumbled into a mess. But then-

"Xenos. Xenos there's hope! Don't punish yourself for something you haven't done!"

But it was me who wrecked this place. Murdered so many. And almost killed you.

"Xenos, your mind was not your own. Everybody knows this and so do you. You would have never done it if you had a choice but everyone who has a consciousness is vulnerable to a mind bender. It could have been me, it could have been anyone; hell it could have been the Janitor himself."

Another wave of guilt washed over him when he heard the name of their leader.

I killed him.

He heard Ethan take a few unsure steps inside. Xenos wanted him to come close. Yet he wanted him to leave and never come back. Suddenly Ethan tripped over a ledge. Involuntarily his large wings shot out over the ground and caught him.

The contact was enough to break his self-righteousness to a million pieces. It reminded him just how much he had missed him, how much he needed him. The urge to repel him seemed ridiculous. He brought him closer and enveloped him with his wings. Ethan threw his arms around his neck and snuggled even closer. They were in a moment of bliss; their small infinite moment of bliss.

It was ironical, funny almost that Xenos being one of the most powerful beings in the universes because of having the ability to manipulate energy and matter, felt safe and complete only in the hands of Ethan.

He cupped Ethan's pointed chin and peck him once. "I missed this."

"Me too."

They stayed like that for a while, drawing energy from each other, trying to make up for the lost time. Then Ethan stirred and said,"We can undo all of this. We can get justice. Come with me Xenos. We will end the Negators together. And then everything will be alright."

Xenos could feel hope bubbling in his voice. But he was scared. Scared of himself. "What if she does it again? What if she takes over my mind again and turns me into a killing machine again? I almost killed you."

"A Human from level 1 has developed erudite powers. If he is taught to properly harness his powers, you and him can take out the Negators in no time." Ethan smiled and buried his head in the crook of Xenos' neck. The smile spread contagiously to his face.

Can this be true? This surely means we have hope.

Xenos could imagine the possibilities. If they could rally some of their allies, they surely could beat the Negators if an erudite was on their side. Then they could be at peace, maybe forever. He let his mind venture, imagining him and Ethan spending an eternity together. Somehow the thoughts made him feel warmer. Hope was a wonderful thing. But then his mind caught on to something.

Erudites were very very rare. Somehow his mind told him that another erudite being born wasn't a coincidence."You did this didn't you?"

"Maybe," was all Ethan whispered.

Xenos snorted. "Your powers are surely very unique. I don't think I will ever understand it properly."

"No, my powers are very impractical. You are the one who is unique," Ethan responded. He was still latched to him like he was his lifeline. Xenos wasn't complaining though.

"Ethan you should stop undermining your powers. Look what you did! You singlehandedly influenced the course of a universe. You changed the propagation of energy. It's because of you, the Being might be safe. You did all this. All by yourself." He felt guilty of leaving Ethan all alone when he needed help the most. He also felt proud.

"No. I can just influence the probability, the chances. So I just increased the chances of these things from happening. I just changed the chances of the universe changing its course. And the other things worked out on their own. So no, my powers are stupid."

Ethan's stubbornness made him smile. He is so strange. Sometimes he is like a child. Sometimes he is like an adult and sometimes he's funny. He is everything. He is my everything. He did so much for me. I have to help him.

Lifting Ethan's face he looked into his eyes, deep purple they were like his own. In the darkness they shone like jewels. "Esmerisem," He said in his native tongue from his own planet. Ethan knew, Xenos was sure, that it meant 'beloved'.

"Stop trying to flatter me with that accent!" Ethan said out loud and giggled like a child with ice cream. Xenos took in as much as he could trying to make up for the lost time. He knew that Ethan was feeling the same. The frown of worry was slowly fading and he looked more like the chirpy guy he had met on his first day at this very headquarter. Instantaneously, the bond had formed between them. The bond that had been stretched taut with the expiniels and was finally recoiling, healing.

"I think I was bonded to you just because of your feathers. I love them so much. They are soft and cozy and warm and have that sweet musky smell."

"So you are telling me you love me only because of my feathers?" Xenos said, feigning hurt though Ethan couldn't probably see his face in the dark.

"Maybe." And they burst out laughing.

The air density changed suddenly. In a sweep he stood up and covered Damien protectively in front of his chest. He was prepared to draw all the energy of the celestilites around them.

Xenos switched on the lamp of the room with a snap of his fingers and his eyes took no time in adjusting to the bright light. There was nothing in front of them. He looked around even more carefully.

"Xenos,"  Ethan tried to say something but he hushed him.

Something cold touched the back of his head and he almost blew it off but a familiar musical tone told him to stop. It was Mist.

"It's nice to meet you too!" she exclaimed sarcastically.

"It's not my fault that you decided as to creep up on me like this."

Mist just smiled mentally.

"Thank you Mist. Thank you for taking care of him when I was not able to."

Mist acknowledged his statement. With a sigh she said,"It's a full time job!"

Xenos couldn't help but chuckle.

"You are both making fun of me aren't you!" Ethan said from within his feathers which made him laugh even more. He now realised how much he had missed these things. Retracting his appendages, he felt strong and invincible with mist and his bond.

"So, what's the plan?"


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