A/N totally forgot about this for a couple of weeks oops but anyway here is another chapter sorry i didn't update sooner i had to work at a summer camp for a few weeks but whatever.
{Kc P.O.V.}
I was still mad at Connor for kicking out Michael we weren't going to do anything ugh he is so annoying sometimes. I got out of bed and went downstairs to get breakfast.
"Hey Kc" Connor said I shrugged in response.
"Want to come to the Santa Monica Pier with us?"Sam asked.
"Sure what time?"I replied
"About 12ish" Sam said. I nodded it was only 10:30. I went outside and called Luke.
Convo between Kc and Luke (Kc-K Luke-L)
L- Hey kc, I heard about last night you ok?
K- I'm fine Connor lost his chill its not like we were going to do anything it was like old times ya know?
L: yeah but Kc things have changed were not kids anymore we different know
K: I know that but I just didn't want things to change I wanted them to be the same. life sucks
L: it does suck Do you wanna go to Disney land today with me?
K: I would love too sam invited me to the pier I'll try and get out of it
L: Ok I'll pick you up at 11
K: see you then
end phone call
I went back into the kitchen Sam wasn't there but Connor was. I ignored Connor's attempts to speak to me. I found Sam in his room changing shirts. Damn was he ripped
"Hey Kc what's up?" Sam said looking at me.
"About the Pier I would love to go but I had already made plans with my friend could we go tomorrow?" I said
"No problem" He said. I nodded and went to go get ready.
I took a shower and did my makeup for clothes I wore a white long sleeved t shirt with black shorts. I walked downstairs to all the boys talking about something important I wasn't sure what.
"Hey Kc" They all said in unison creepy I thought to my self. Luke texted me that he was here
"Hey I'm gonna go out for the day with a friend I told them" I said they nodded. I walked outside to a super cute Luke sitting on the drivers side. "So how far away is the Disney land?" Is asked
"That depends we could go to the one in California or Florida." He said
"Let's go to Florida" I said
A/N Hope you guys liked this chapter sorry for the grammar mistakes I'm too lazy to fix them

Adopted by o2l
Fanfiction*WARNING SELF HARM IN THIS STORY READ AT YOUR OWN RISK* Kc (Pronouced Kasey) is a 14 year old girl who has been in and out of the orphanage for many years she has been raped beaten. She self harms. One day 6 boys walk into the orphanage will they ch...