Chapter - 5

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"Alexis! Dinners ready!"

I pulled my head up from the desk and stomped down the stairs my tummy hungry for some food. I lazily ate my food that my mom made for me, not paying attention to her conversation about school and work.

"You know you need to take Alfie out for a walk later?" My mom stated. Oh yeah did I forget to mention I had a dog? Well he's a cute puppy, we don't really know what cross he is(we found him abandoned in the woods!) but it's a weird really rare one apparently.

"Yeah sure, ill go now" I replied standing up from the table, picking up my coat and leaning down to attach the cord to Alfie's collar.

"Oh" My mom called back "Have you done all your homework Alexis?"

"Yes moooooom" I said dragging it out

"Okay then be safe and don't take too long" Mom said.

The night air was a little brisk and the beautiful half moon shone down illuminating the path way to the woods. Alfie was pulling on the lead a bit and so I walked quicker into the woods. The woods had always been one of my favourite places to go and be alone in my thoughts, Alfie also likes playing with the fallen orange leaves. For some reason Alfie started to bark freakily loud and pulled on the lead trying to find the source.

"Alfie! Stop it! Shhh!!" I tried but failed when he only started to bark even louder. "Alfie!"

Urgh what is his problem!? Whats going on?! I heard a low growl coming from somewhere in the woods, but it didn't sound like a dog it sounded much more like I turned round immediately, sweeping Alfie up into my arms and started to fast walk back out, only to bump into him. Scott McCall. He was shirtless displaying his carved abs and toned stomach covered in speckles and splotches of mud. His hair was a bit messy and his breathing was fast.

"Alexis what are you doing here?!" He said in a hushed shout

"I uh...I was walking my dog and then he started to bark and then  I heard this growl and-" he cut me off why I was blabbing on

"Hey, you're okay" he said putting his hand on my shoulder "but you should go" he said looking down and taking his hand back

"Wait why are you half naked out here, covered in mud?!" I questioned him looking up and down at his body,

"It doesn't matter" he mumbled turning around to leave "I'll see you tomorrow"

"O-okay" he walked back through the dark woods quickening his pace. Well that wasn't extremely weird at all, why would Scott be out here covered in mid half naked?! Was he rolling down mud hills or something? I dunno but I guess I'm just going to have to get it out of him...


Hey guys! I just want to say thankyou for the reads! love you! <3 

The Different One - Teen Wolf: Scott McCall FanFictionWhere stories live. Discover now