Chapter 1: The Meet

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I woke up on a Saturday morning and got ready for the day, my best friend Sophia and I were going to the mall today. I didn't usually like going to the mall because sometimes Jake and Logan went there.

I looked in the mirror and started brushing my brown hair as my blue eyes stared back at me. When I was finished I pulled out my phone and texted sophia making sure she was on her way.

I hopped in my car and headed to the mall.


I arrived at the mall and found Sophia I walked over to her and greeted her.


"Hey." She replied.

"Where do you want to go?" I questioned.

"We should go to the food court first." She suggested.

"Yeah I guess it's only right there." I said, pointing to to my right.

We headed over to the food court to get in line. "Oh there are too many people let's find a seat first so no one takes it." I offered.

"Well there's a problem, there are no seats." I looked around to see that she was right.

The only seat available was a table with four seats and someone was already sitting there. But it wasn't just anyone it was Amanda Cerny, I was scared to tell Sophia because I knew she knows Jake.

"What about that table." I reluctantly pointed out.

"Oh you're right Oh and look Amanda Cerny is sitting there that's cool." She said, yanking me over there.

We approached her table and she looked up at us and smiled. "Is anyone sitting here? There is no where else to sit." I asked.

"Yeah you can sit here, it sure is crowded today huh?" She asked.

"Yeah." I replied, with a little laugh while sitting down.

"Are you here with anyone?" I asked nervous.

"No I'm alone why?" She questioned.

"No reason but just to let you know we're huge fans." I said, trying to change the topic.

"Oh well thank you." She replied laughing.

I heard familiar laughing behind us but I decided to ignore it, probably some friends from back in high school.

Yeah I wasn't in school anymore I had already graduated I was 19 years old.

"Oh no." I heard a worried Sophia say.

I looked over at her and she was looking behind her. I looked and saw Logan walking this way with Jake and Richie about 10 feet behind him.

"Oh my God we have to leave right now." I said panicking.

"Is something wrong?" Amanda asked, looking worried.

"Umm I-" I started but was cut off by Logan.

"Hey Amanda how are you?" He asked.

"I'm great how are you?" She asked, standing up to hug him.

This entire time I had my face in my hands hoping he wouldn't notice me. But I guess he saw Sophia and remembered her.

"Hey Sophia, is Addison okay?" He said smiling.

Well at least I know he's still a smartass? I thought to myself.

I lifted my head up and looked at him. He took a seat in the chair in front of me with Amanda to his right.

He looked at me for a moment before continuing. "Hey Addy, how have you been?" He asked smiling at me.

"I-uh good what about you?" I asked blushing.

"Good thanks, so we haven't talked in a while." He said, looking upset.

"Look Logan." I started putting my hand on his. "I'm sorry we quit talking, I didn't know how to handle the situation with Jake, I was just so upset because I loved him so much. And I didn't want any contact with him in any way. I really missed you but I didn't know how you would react if I just randomly texted you." I replied, looking down as well.

"Yeah I guess I understand, but just so you know Jake is heading this way." He said.

I looked down as Jake came over and hoped he wouldn't notice me, I covered my face again.

"Hey guys what's- Sophia?" He questioned.

"Yeah hey." She said awkwardly.

"Addison?" He gasps, as his voice up an octave.

I didn't say anything I just got up and walked around him without looking at him. I walked a few feet before I felt someone grap my hand and spin me around.

I looked up and made eye contact with him and instantly regretted it. "Addison? Where have you been?" He asked.

I looked down avoiding eye contact. "What do you mean? I've been home and at school." I replied while removing my hand from his.

"Do you want to catch up and get coffee?" He asked.

"No I'm with Sophia right now." I answered, going to turn around.

He called my name and I looked at him making eye contact again. "Stay right here please?" He asked.

I agreed and he walked over to Sophia, I saw them talking for a few minutes before he walked back my way. Sophia gave me an apologetic look before looking at Logan and Richie.

"Well it looks like she has made plans with Logan and Richie, so coffee?" He questioned excitedly.

"Yeah I guess." I replied, a little upset.

He smiled hugely at me then we walked over to the Starbucks. "Do you still like peppermint hot chocolate?" He asked.

I looked up at him with wide eyes in disbelief that he still remembered. "What? Did I say something wrong?" He asked, with a worried look.

"No it's just that it's been 3 years how can you still remember that?" I questioned.

He didn't answer he just looked away before ordering our drinks. I guess he still remembered that I hated talking to people too.

We sat down at a table once we got our drinks. "So you're in college?" He asked.

"Yeah I have been for a few months." I replied.

"Oh that's cool but addison I think we should talk about what happened." He said, placing his hand on mine.

I jerked it away and looked away from him. "What is there to talk about you cheated?" I questioned, his face turned sad and I felt bad.

I sighed and urged him to start. "Well I understand that I did but when I realised what I was doing I stopped I-I really do love you Addison I feel horrible, you're all I want and nothing has been the same without you." He said, looking as if he was about to cry.

"Oh." Was all I could think to say.

"Well umm do you want to come back to my house?" He asked.

I looked up at him in confusion. "No not like that Addy." He replied blushing.

Did he just call me Addy I miss when he called me that. "Umm yeah I guess." I replied.

"Alright that's great." He said.

Jake texted Logan to let him know we were heading to his house. Well I assumed they still lived together they came here together.

We hopped in his truck then he headed to his house.


Ooh she saw Jake and Logan after 3 years.

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