Chapter 22: Dinner

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~~~6 months later~~~

I woke up to Jake pacing around the room "Jake baby what are you doing?" I asked, rolling out of bed because my stomach was so big.

"Just excited for our 9 month." He replied, going to the bathroom.

Today was our 9 month anniversary Jake was taking me out to dinner tonight. It was supposed to be a super fancy restaurant.

I had gotten my cast off 5 months ago and I was 6 months pregnant, we told the doctor not to tell us anything except if it was healthy or not.

We didn't know if there was 1 baby if it was a girl or boy. But we had 2 names picked out, Alaska rose for a girl and Zachariah for a boy.

I walked into the bathroom where Jake was taking a shower I told him I was joining him and got in. I started washing myself with Jake. When we were done Jake turned the water off and brought his hands down to my stomach. "Hey Zachariah." He said.

"Umm no it's Alaska rose." I said, stepping out of the shower.

I got dressed and brushed my hair and teeth. I went down stairs to make pancakes and waffles because Logan didn't like pancakes. After I set the plates down and the syrup and butter on the table, the baby kicked me.

"Oh my gosh can a baby even kick at 6 months?" I asked, sitting down holding my stomach.

Jake came over to comfort me. "Its okay addy maybe he/she's hungry eat something and I'll go get Logan." He said, kissing my cheek before going to Logan's room.

I was already half way through my 6 pancakes when Jake came back with Logan. "So how is my beautiful pregnant best friend doing today?" Logan asked, pouring syrup on his pancakes.

"Better now that the baby stopped kicking." I replied.

I put the plates in the sink and went upstairs to get everything set up.


It was 5 o'clock when I was finishing putting on light make up for tonight. I was wearing a long loose fit dress that was tight around my chest. So that my stomach had room.

Jake walked into the bathroom just as I finished and put his arms around me. "Are you ready darling?" He asked.

"Yeah let's go." I said, grabbing his hand and heading to his truck.

"Were leaving Logan love you bro." Jake said to logan.

"Alright love you good luck." He replied.

I wonder what he meant by good luck, maybe he meant that it was a special day and he didn't want him to mess up.

We got in the truck and he started driving to an Italian restaurant. It was a short drive there and Jake held my hand like always.

We were ordering our drinks still thinking about what we wanted to eat. Jake and I both got a sweet tea. The waiter left to go get our drinks.

We were looking through the menu to see what we wanted to order when I saw a large pizza. "Oh Jake look I know this is a fancy restaurant and it's a special day but can we get a large pizza and split it?" I asked.

He laughed but then agreed right when the waiter came back with our drinks. "Alright have you guys decided what you want to order?" He asked.

"Just a large pepperoni pizza please." I said, ordering for both of us.

"Wow I wish my wife was as cool as yours." He said, taking our menus.

"Oh we're not married... yet." Jake said, smiling at me.

"Jake stop." I said laughing.

The waiter left with our orders giving Jake and I some time to talk. "Addison you know I love you right?" He asked.

"Of course and I love you." I replied.

Soon our pizza came and between Jake and I we ate the entire thing. I've noticed since I've been pregnant my apetite has increased a lot.

I was ready to leave when Jake stopped me and told me he wanted to hear what the owner was about to say.

A man walked up on stage and began talking. "Good evening everyone my name is Rob and I am the owner of 'fancy italy' I know most of you are here with your significant other on a special occasion. But there is one couple I want to recognize tonight he came to me about a week ago asking for me to help him out tonight. So this is for him to the pregnant couple in the corner." He said stepping off the stage.

Soon there was a spot light on us and I heard our song come on. I looked at Jake in shock and he pointed at the screen. Everyone directed their attention away from us and to the screen.

I noticed that there were pictures and videos of us throughout the relationship even before we broke up. There were pictures of us on dates, cuddling, kissing, hanging out and even some of my stomach.

There were videos of Jake being sweet, pranking me and us having fun swimming or something. At the end of the video it said I love you Addison turn around.

By this time I was trying not to cry but I turned around to face Jake who was on 1 knee I stood up from surprise. I instantly started crying when he started talking.

"Addison I love you and our baby more than anything in this entire world. I want nothing more than to make you happy every single second of every day. I want to be there for our child and raise him or her to the fullest. Now you stole my heart now I ask that you steal my last name. Addison Tommy will you do me the honers and marry me?" He asked with tears in his eyes.

I started nodding my head before speaking. "Oh my gosh yes Jake yes." I said, hugging him when he stood up.

I was crying my eyes out from how happy I was and the people in the retsuarant were oohing, awing and clapping.

I moved back as Jake took my hand to put the ring on.


Aww that's so cute he proposed.

Vote and comment what you think the baby is for more.

I love you guys thanks for reading.

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