Chapter Nine - Announcements

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A week later I return to Jorrvaskr. The pieces Aela had me find were scattered across several different Holds (The Pale, The Rift, The Reach and Eastmarch) and it took me a while to locate them all and make it out alive. Being cursed with lycanthropy has been a burden too. It's hard to get to sleep and when I do manage to sleep, there are always nightmares. It's the usual stuff with Alduin and the Dwemer. I have got to find a way to deal with them. Maybe Arcadia will have something for me. 

I push open the doors to Jorrvaskr and everything seems to be in order. Well, better order than last week. Skjor's death is still fresh in everyone's minds but they seem to be coping better. Torvar isn't drinking as much and Farkas has been less anxious. Aela is still hellbent on avenging him though. 

"You're back!" Ria beams when she sees me. 

"As are you. What were you doing in Riften?" I hug her. 

Her cheeks turn a delicate shade of pink. "Oh, well, you'll find out later tonight. I've got an announcement for everyone here and I think Kodlak is going to announce who he's chosen to take Skjor's place!"

I smile uncomfortably, remembering how cold Njada had been, and I excuse myself to find Aela. She's down in her room, staring at the sword she had found near Skjor's body. 

"Aela," I call her name.

"Hello," she looks up at me, the light gone from her eyes. "Got the fragments? Excellent. Another piece of glory,"

I place the fragments on her end table and sit next to her. She flinches a little, but doesn't move. "Anything else you need me to do?"

"No," she shakes her head. "But I just want to say something to you,"


"I heard about you and Kodlak. And I want you to know that he plans on informing the rest of the Companions about your shared heritage as well as how you're our new Circle member. You'll move into Skjor's room," she says. 

"I don't have to have his room," I inform her. "I can always-"

"No. It's yours by right. Anyway, some people will probably think you're only a Circle member because you're related to him. But I know that that isn't the case. You deserve it, you're a brave fighter and very skilled," Aela says kindly. "You're a worthy successor to Skjor. Oh, I think Vilkas was looking for you too,"

"Vilkas?" I ask uncertainly. "Sure. I'll go find him. Bye Aela," 

I head out to the training courtyard to see if Vilkas is there. He isn't, but Farkas is. Farkas is delighted to see me and wraps me in a big bear hug. "I missed you! The old man is announcing the thing tonight," he says in a hushed tone. 

"I know, Aela told me. Do you know where Vilkas is?" I ask him. 

"He mentioned something about going to the Gildergreen," Farkas replies. "Why?"

"He wanted to see me," I say. "Know anything about that?"

"Nope," Farkas shakes his head. "I thought he didn't really like you,"

I laugh. "I'm confused too. I'm going to find him now, I'll see you later,"

Farkas waves goodbye and then calls Athis over for training. I head down to the Gildergreen, feeling grateful that the sun is out today and gives some warmth. Evening Star is almost here and that means that the New Life festival will be upon us all soon. 

Vilkas is sitting down on a bench, facing away from Jorrvaskr. I sit down next to him curiously, not quite sure what to expect from him. 

"Hey there," Vilkas smiles. "I never did thank you properly for saving me back at Karthspire,"

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