Chapter Ten - Wedding

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I sit awkwardly in Njada's sister's room, tugging on the bridesmaid dress I was assigned to wear. Aela is stood next to me looking equally uncomfortable in fine clothes. The red dress we wear clashes terribly with our hair colours and Aela is too tall so while my dress reaches my ankles (as it's supposed to do), Aela's ends halfway down her calves. We don't look terrible, just a little strange and out of place. 

"I think I would prefer to be in my armour," Aela frowns and tries to adjust it. 

"Me too, sister," I agree. 

Ria and Njada's wedding is taking place in the Temple of Mara in Riften, instead of in Shor's Stone. Ria is there already with her family and Aela, myself, Njada, Njada's mother Anneke and her sister Sylgja will walk there from Shor's Stone. Some kind of old tradition that Njada's family has always had. I'm still surprised that same-sex marriage is legal in Skyrim, I would have thought that the Nords would be very traditional and conservative. The Elves certainly are, especially the Altmer and the Dunmer. The Bosmer not as much...

Njada hasn't tried to kill me yet, which I am very grateful for. But I'm also a little unnerved by it, seeing how she definitely hasn't let go of her anger or bitterness towards me. I still don't know why she hates me so much. Even Vilkas has warmed up to me. 

I tuck a flower behind my ear and the five of us leave Sylgja's house and we begin our wedding procession to Riften. Sylgja is the only woman that lives in Shor's Stone and I wonder how lonely she must have felt here. It's a very small village with not much to offer, only a blacksmith's and a mine. 

The weather is, thankfully, agreeable and we get to Riften quickly enough. The city is decorated with streamers, banners and flowers. Everyone cheers when they see the bride and I try to look as inconspicuous as possible. 

"It's the Dovahkiin!" an Argonian shouts in delight. "Skyrim's saviour walks among us!"

Njada's face turns sour with resentment. 

"But today is her special day," I quickly try to redirect the attention so that Njada doesn't stab me in my sleep. The attention is successfully diverted and the crowds continue to cheer and throw flowers as we slowly progress to the Temple of Mara. Outside there are tables set up and chefs walk around busily setting up food. I can see a few bards also setting up in the main town square. 

We get inside the Temple and Njada waits in the foyer as me, Aela, Anneke and Sylgja walk down the aisle. When we reach Mara's shrine we stand to the side with Ria's bridesmaids. I don't recognise them but they're probably her family. Njada chose us for bridesmaids because, aside from Sylgja, she has nobody else and Sylgja was already deemed to be maid of honour. I'm amazed she asked me and for obvious reasons and I always assumed that Njada never really respected Aela as much as she had respected Vilkas or Farkas. Njada and I are in a sort of cold peace now, but I'm always wary around her. 

"Sons and daughters of Tamriel. We're gathered here under Mara's loving gaze to witness a union between two lovers. Njada Stonearm. Do you take Ria Aventius as your beloved wife and companion, now and forever?"

"Now and forever," Njada replies.

"Ria Aventius. Do you take Njada Stonearm as your beloved wife and companion, now and forever?"

"Now and forever," Ria beams, her dark eyes shining brightly with happiness. 

"Then with Mara as our witness, I declare you both married and united forever. May you find infinite happiness and may your love know no boundaries, limits or barriers," the priest wraps up the ceremony. 

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