The crash/the death

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           Warning: This chapter may cause tears,cursing of the characters stupidness,or if you have a weak stomach vomiting.      (Y/n)'s pov.                            
Well today was the WROST day ever so far. Lemme tell you  why, and you'll agree. I woke up to my dad yelling at me to wake the fuck up. So I got up and got dressed. I went down stairs, hopeing mom made breakfast. I smiled as I saw my mom makeing me orange juice, and chocolate chip waffles. When she brought me my orange juice, I frowned because of the giant black bruise she had one her face.
No ones pov/car ride
You were now in the car on your way to your dads new job in New York. Your mom and dad were yelling at eachother  because your mom was tired of how your father treated the two of you. You were about to fall asleep next to your kitten you found before the move when all of the sudden you screamed on the top of your lungs"TRUCK!!!!" Then black out.
                    (Y/n)'s pov
I woke up in a ditch, my kitten meowing in pain because his poor left leg was shattered. I picked him up as I tried to get up. My left leg snapped and I fell screaming in pain. I got up draging my leg to find my parents. When I got back on the rode I found a sight that made me fall on my knees and cry. My mom was on a medical bed with her insides hanging out. She was all cut up, but her eyes were still open. It was as if she was stareing into my soul, and my dad wasn't hurt bad but he was unconscious on a medical bed. Two med people took me to a bed, they tried to take my sleeping kitten but I refused to let them. Once we got in the medical vehicle and I was all hooked up  I drifted softly asleep.

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