The savure/new powers comes with a new heart

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   When I woke up I was in Kitsune (pic above) form but it didn't bug me. And the fact I was home didn't bug me either.  No, what bugged me is that Leo wasn't there. I got up a started to look around until I saw a giant tank. I pressed my hands against the glass. It was a tank filled with water and inside was Leo. But something was different, he had a mermaid tail. He was laying there almost life less so I decided to check on him.

(Y/n) jumped in the water and picked Leo up. She then decided to bring him up to the surface to cheek on him. "Leo, hey are you ok" she asked in kind and gentle voice. He smiled at her, makeing her blush. "Yeah" he whispered. All the sudden (y/n) felt this burn in her chest that made her fall over. Leo flopped himself back in his tank before his tail dried out. (Y/n) then screamed in pain as she rolled into a ball. Then all the sudden she got on all fours and ran out the sewers. She started runing on the roof tops faster and faster until she stopped. Her ears twitched and she growled a deep growl. Then she saw a man she had never seen before. He wore metal and had men around him. He put out a hand with a smile. "Please, come with me and we'll get you cleaned up" she sniffed his hand then took it. He picked her up and started walking. She shortly fell asleep in his arms. When she woke up she was in a warm bed, with soup and a pair of clothes at the end. After to sitting up and eating the soup she got in this:

She liked it here although she missed the sewers she felt more free here

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She liked it here although she missed the sewers she felt more free here. Like she could do as she pleased. She skipped to the throne room where she saw shredder. She walked up to him and asked" what may I call you" in a sweet voice. "Anything" he said nicely. "Ok" she then skipped away. She stopped when she got to a certain room; it had a tiger in it. "What's your name"(Y/n) asked. "Tigerclaw" he grumbled. You sat on his bed and asked "What the matter". He looked at you with sad eyes. "I miss my family and home, but that asshole won't let me go"he growled. "Who's that" you asked kinda curious. "Shredder"he growled. You looked at him with suprized eyes. "(Y/n) trust me he's nice now but later he's mean and hurtful and will do anything to get his way" he explained. "We have to get out of here tonight" you said. You fixed his wounds and he thanked you. You than went to your room preparing the plans.  "We're going to get you out tigerclaw I promise" you whispered.

A black heart for the blue leader (Leo x reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora