The mutation

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(Y/n)s pov
I slowly woke up with my head banging. I went to get up but realized I was strapped to a medal table. I looked around to see I was in a grey room with blue and pink lights. Then there was a slight groun of pain, I looked over to see Leo on a table to. "L-Leo" I said weakly.
"The ones known as (y/n) and Leo are what is called awake" the Krang said. "It is the time known as the time to put the chemical known as mutigen in the the people known as (y/n) and Leo" one of them said. Leo and (y/n)s eyes widened. They both screamed as needles were stuck in their skin. All the sudden your skin turned to fur, then you turned into a Kitsune (pic above). You looked over at Leo who started growing a blue tail; it was the color of his mask and had black swirls on it. (He's in turtle form) It was at least ten feet long, and you were twelve feet long and tall.
"The ones known as our experiments were what is known as a fail" one of the Krang said. Right then the turtles busted in then black out.
(Sorry it's short)

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