Texting him

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The next morning you were in bed, you woke to the sounds of birds chirping. You still felt sick so you stayed home from work. The wind went through your window and blew a piece of paper in your face. You picked it up and it read: Dear (y/n),
I wanted to be able to talk again so I left you my number. I hope we can hang out sometime. My digits are 318-666-2322.
P.s. If I didn't tell you this I'm Leonardo, Leo for short.

You smiled at the note, and since you had nothin else to do you decided to text him. After you entered the numbers you texted him:
(Y/n): hey Leo
Leo:hello. This is?
(Y/n): (y/n)
Leo: oh hi (y/n) I thought you wouldn't answer
(Y/n): well I did 😝
Leo: so what's up
(Y/n): sick, will u come take care of me🙃
Leo: ummm, sure I'll be there in thirty minutes
(Y/n): Kk (coughs)

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