Chapter 21 - War time

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Sergio's POV

"We don't have time, we need to finish this plan so we could kill the bastard and save Cataleya." I shouted at my crew members who were all afraid to be part of this plan.

"But sir this plan will only get us all killed." One of the members said, I glared at him.

"Well if you're scared you can leave now." I shouted and the guy cowered in fear, he slowly started backing up heading towards the exit. As soon as he touched the door handle I took out my gun and shot him in the back of the head. "Anyone else want to leave?" I looked around and everyone shook their heads in fear.

I sighed. "Good, this is what we're going to do. The warehouse is here.." I circled the destination on the map. "I believe there are four entrances therefore we have to split and I want about ten people at every entrance. Our crew is larger than my brothers so beating them shouldn't be a problem and as soon as you get my signal we go in and kill the bastards...BUT I don't want Cataleya to get hurt understood." They nodded their heads. "I will go after my brother and when I kill him I will get Cataleya out of there. If anyone gets in my way I want you to kill them."

I looked around and after hearing my plan everyone looked far braver, but if the plan went horribly wrong then the chances of Cataleya and I surviving would be slim.


We ran to the SUV's which were already loaded with weapons for our use, we had our gear which would protect us but not enough to get us out alive. I could only pray that Cataleya is still alive. She means the world to me and knowing that something is going to happen to her is killing me, she doesn't know how much I love her and she probably never will because saving her means I have to sacrifice myself then so be it.

No one knows how powerful my brother can be but me, he has no reputation but I know how he works. He works in mysterious ways and he always does the unexpected. If he wants to kill me then so be it as long as Cataleya survives.

"Boss we're here." I looked out the window and saw that our SUV's were hiding behind the bushes and trees. The warehouse was in our view but no one could see us from there, we got out and waited behind the bushes. There were men surrounding the warehouse so we got our guns out and started shooting, our guns had silencers so no one would hear anything. As soon as they were shot we took our positions at the entrance.

"GO!" I shouted and we ran into the warehouse, sounds of gunshot erupted and I shot anyone who got in my way. The warehouse was slowly starting to smell like blood, and it just reminded me of Cataleya. What if she was already dead? What if I was too late? I would never forgive myself because I know everything is my fault.

I should never have accepted Cataleya in my gang, I should have helped her...not make her life hell. I turned Cataleya into a cold hearted person, I taught her not to trust anyone, I taught her how to deal with problems, I taught her that this world is not for us. I ruined Cataleya's life.

One of my brother's gang members shot me but I dodged the bullet in time, I took cover behind the wall and when the time was right I shot the guy straight in the head sending him flying back. It took me no more than a minute to get to the other side of the huge warehouse, I shot the lock on the office door and opened it. Cataleya was lying on the floor in a pool of blood, her eyes were lifeless but not quite yet, I could just about see her chest rise weakly as she took a breath of air each time. Her hair was tangled in a mess and the smell of blood was too strong.

I didn't have time to think but run to her. Save her.

"CATALEYA...Can you hear me?" She looked up but she was too weak to respond, she slightly nodded her head which meant that she was weak but there was still time to save her.

"You're going to be fine baby, you're going to be fine." I lay her on my lap and put pressure on the wound to stop the blood but it was useless. I could only wait for the fight outside the office to be over till I could take Cataleya out of here. If I took her now I would be risking both our lives.

She coughed making me worry, I couldn't stand seeing her in pain. Tiny drops of water fell on her cheek, I frowned and realised that I had been crying. A gang leader crying because of his true love. Love is not an equation, it is not a contract, and it is not a happy ending. Love is the slate under the chalk, the ground that buildings rise, and the oxygen in the air. It is the place you come back to, no matter where you are headed.

"Cataleya, I have never made it clear but I love you, with no beginning, no end but to be honest...Love is too weak a word for what I feel." She stared at me the whole time not blinking once, tears started to form in her eyes and soon her cheeks were wet. I wiped her tear stained cheek gently and slowly leaned in to kiss her lips, I didn't kiss her hard like I wanted to, I didn't hold her tight like I wanted to. I kissed her smooth lips slow and gently making sure I don't cause any pain.

The clapping brought sent a wave of fear through me, I laid Cataleya on the floor gently and stood up to face him.

"I must say that was very emotional, like a Romeo and Juliet scene." I held my gun tighter ready to shoot but my brother also was prepared to shoot me.

"You're only doing this to get revenge, for who? The man who raised us to be killers." I shouted.

He laughed bitterly. "Think what you want to think. Back to our Romeo and Juliet scene...What you don't realise is that Romeo and Juliet both die in the end..."

One shot is all it takes to leave a person helpless, one shot is all it takes to make a person think about death. The fear of death follows from the fear of life, a man who lives fully is prepared to die at anytime.

That man is not me...I haven't had the chance to even start life.

I lay on the floor peacefully looking into Cataleya's eyes which were blood shot, she was crying again. I looked at her wound and I could see that her body was slowly giving up. I looked at the wound on my body, close to my chest. I knew I didn't have long.

"Shhhhh don't cry my angel...don't cry." I held onto Cataleya's hand tightly, I only had one wish now and that was for Cataleya to live.

"I love you." I whispered before I welcomed the darkness to take over me.


Music - Ed Sheeran - Give me Love

Picture of Sergio again <3 <3 <3

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