Chapter 28 - Bang Bang you're dead

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Cataleya wasn't feeling well so Daniel helped her to the bedroom (Innuendo hehehe) and the gang went to eliminate Cataleya's 'Parents' without her.

Cataleya gets mad because she wanted to do heir dirty job herself, therefore she gets ready to go to the warehouse where the gang war commences.

At the moment she is busy shooting the enemies and she's trying to find Daniel to make sure he's not hurt.

"Let the war begin."

Cataleya's POV

I was currently hiding behind a concrete wall while shots were being fired my way, my chest was heaving up and down from all the running and dodging the bullets. I'm pretty sure that it has been a little over two hours, before attacking we failed to estimate how many people we would have to kill before we got to my 'parents', if I had to make an estimate now I would say there were three hundred men trying to kill us and there were only eighty of us. I was seriously hoping that Daniel was fine and thoughts of what could have happened to him right now were running through my mind.

I jumped out of hiding and ran to the other side while dodging bullets and firing at the bastards. Most of them had bad aim which made me feel even more bad ass and confident. I lost count of how many people I had shot and sweat covered my forehead, my heart was beating as fast as a cheetah going for a kill, my breathing had become rapid and my energy was slowly getting drained.

Someone was hiding behind a wooden desk and I instantly knew he wasn't from our gang because of the red wristband he was wearing, I shot through the desk and the person fell to the floor while blood was gushing out of his mouth and ears. While I stood still admiring the clean shot, a hand knocked the gun out of my hand leaving me weaponless even though I had my other guns tucked in my waist and knives in my boots. The person punched me in the guts making me groan in pain and bend over, from the corner of my eye I saw a foot come towards my face with intense speed.

It only took me half a second to get out of the way and take my knife out of my black timberland boots, I slash the persons arm cutting through the rigid flesh. The knife covered in sticky oozing blood landed on the floor when another person shot it out of my hands.

I couldn't move, because if I did I would die.

A gang member was standing not too far away holding a gun which was pointed at me, since he managed to shoot the gun out of my hands I knew he had good aim. I have two options now, I either stand still and be a good girl or I try to run and hope not to get shot in the process.

"Usted es el famoso Cataleya. (You're the famous Cataleya?)" He said with a dark smirk.

I didn't reply because there was no point, everyone knew who I was and that's the worst part. I can never run away because eventually someone will find me or someone would know who I really am.

"Usted está más bien flaco y débil buscando ¿no te parece? Pensé que sería una mujer, que no esperaba que seas una niña. (You are rather skinny and weak looking don't you think? I thought you would be a woman, I wasn't expecting you to be a girl.)

Someone barged into the room and that's when I ran for my life as well as take a gun out of my waist, I wasn't sure how long I was running for but I had a feeling someone was after me. Even if I couldn't hear them behind me. I ran for my life and I ran for Daniel, I could almost feel freedom until a body flew itself on my own crushing me beneath him, big beastly hands around my neck choking the life out of me, I tried to wriggle out of his grip but he only tightened his hands around my neck. Black dots started overtaking my vision and I could feel myself getting weaker and weaker.

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