Chapter 29 - Nightmare becomes reality

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I thought it was a dream, I thought it wasn't real

But pain really hurts and its really how I feel. Memories keep coming back, and so do all of the tears. I hear your voice, and as quick as the smile came, it quickly disappears. I don't know what is happening, so many promises you made and yet you failed to keep the promise you made to me.

You promised you would never leave me.

But it wasn't your fault, I failed too. I failed so many times in my life that I lost count, if only you were here to hold me tight and promise me that everything will be fine again. Your words always were empty and even you knew we had little hope of survival, yet you always spoke the sweet nothings as if they were the truth and the best part is you were so convincing. So convincing that I had managed to draw up a picture in my head, a picture of me and you in a cozy home living a peaceful life.

Just like you wanted, you didn't care if we became rich. All you cared about was being beside me for the rest of your life. To hold each other, to love each other endlessly even in our worst times, and you always made me believe that we would grow old together. And even if things don't turn out to be the way we want them it's okay. Because loving you was enough to make me see things differently, loving you for a little while made me love everything about the world even if I didn't show it. Your presence was enough to make every single thing in existence beautiful.

Your hazel eyes that glared at me were the most mesmerizing thing, you never tried to hurt me. Even when you believed that you wanted to hurt me you never did. I guess our love was as strong as Romeo and Juliet's or in our case Bonnie and Clyde.

You see the world is a cruel place yet beautiful, and the thing about death is when you lose someone you cry. But have you ever asked yourself a question which baffles and confuses you to no end.

Why do we cry over a loved ones death?

Some would answer so fast without even thinking, because we love the person and we don't want to lose them to death. You will miss the persons face, voice, touch, taste of his or her lips (if they're a lover), the comfort they provide you and the way they can make your day so much better.

Well what a selfish answer.....Humans are selfish beings.

Because when a person dies we are thinking about the things they won't be able to provide us again, the comfort and the feeling of being loved. The reason we cry over death is a long answer and if you really look into depth of the meaning of death then you would realize how selfish humans are.

This is the reason I have decided that I won't cry over any ones death anymore, because it is better to mourn in silence than to cry and scream out loud just to get all of your feelings out, to make yourself feel better.

I was standing on the rooftop lost in my own thoughts, the gun in my clenched hands was somehow cracking or it must have been my bones. I couldn't feel anything anymore, no pain and no grief. The only thing on my mind was revenge, but just like I had planned I wasn't going to kill my 'parents' for myself. I was going to kill them for Daniel.

I placed a black bandana over my mouth, I knew the place I was going had been designed to prevent anyone attacking. I had done the research for months now, it had been a little over three months since the elimination and I needed to finish the job myself, on my own. I ran from rooftop to rooftop until I reached my destination, I landed on the edge of the rooftop since the distance between this one and the one I had jumped from was greater than the rest. I let the breath out that I was holding and everything happened so fast all of a sudden, I lost my footing and I slipped over, I managed to hold on to the edge before falling to my death. I looked down and the height was enough to make me tremble in fear. These weren't normal buildings, these were the big massive ones whose shadows covered an entire town.

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