chapter 7

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I wish I could say that the days leading up to me meeting Magcon were perfect and everything went according to plan.

But if I were to tell u that I would be lying.

The doctors were still all for me going to the event. Saying stuff like it would be good for me and I'll have the time of my life or whatever but 2 days before the event my breathing rate slowly went down to 33% to 29% then a sudden drop to 15%.

I was out walking when I started feeling the excruciating pain in my chest that I felt right before all the hospital crap happened. I grabbed my chest and fell on my knees. I couldn't breath. Before I knew it a swarm of nurses were around me picking me up and putting me in a hospital bed and rushing me to the emergency room. This is when my breathing rate started to drop dramatically.

I laid on the bed curled up in a ball, clenching my chest screaming and crying. I screamed and screamed trying to gasp for air. It felt like someone was hitting me with hammers and chains and rocks and anything that could hurt me.

I kept screaming hoping the nurses could make it stop but no one was helping. I didn't know if I should scream at them or keep screaming to myself. I stayed curled up in my ball holding on to my chest screaming and crying.

The mixture of me screaming and my chest feeling like something was exploding inside it made me light headed. I don't remember much afterwards but i remember that whatever happened next was something I couldn't describe.

Maybe it was a dream, but it felt too real.

I saw his smile. It was addicting. Like a drug that u just kept wanting more and more of.

I felt his hand in mine. It was gentle but comforting and fit perfectly into mine.

I saw his eyes. I couldn't even describe how perfect they were. I got lost in them. Even if it wasn't real.


I woke up in a different hospital room. Beeping machines, IVS, and tiredness/weakness. There was something different this time. My chest felt tight and sore. I looked down and saw I was strapped up in some kind of plastic.

My mom noticed I was awake and came to my side. "Hey sweetheart," she said.

"Hi," I said shifting to look at her.

"I'm going to get the doctor ok?" I nodded. My mom was acting kind of funny but I guess she had just been worried ab me.

A few moments later the doctor came in with my mom. "Hello Adeline," the doctor said. I showed a smile in return. "What is the last thing you remember before you woke up?" He asked with his weird British accent. It almost sounded fake.

I closed my eyes trying to think back. It was all blurry but I'm pretty sure I remembered. "I remember walking, I was by myself," the doctor nodded while looking at his clip board writing things down.

"I started feeling pain in my chest and I fell to my knees, it was hard to brea-" the doctor interrupted me before I could finish. "And on a scale of 1 to 10 how would you rate the pain in ur chest?" He asked. I felt like if I didn't pick the number he wanted I would be in trouble.

"I can't really remember that much," he nodded still writing on his clipboard. "The nurses came and put me on a bed and I screamed,"

I remember feeling dizzy and light headed. Then I saw flashbacks of something. It was someone's, a guy's smile, his hand, and his eyes? Who's was it?

I've only dated one person in my life and that was from when I was about 13 but he looked nothing like this person did. This guy was different. It was all I could do not to want to know who this was.

"Adeline? Adeline can u hear me?" I snapped out of my trance. "Yeah," I didn't tell the doctor ab the guy. He would probably think I'm crazy and I've already got enough problems.

"Do you know what this is on your chest?" I shook my head. "We're prepping you for surgery," what did he just say? "I'm sorry, what?" I asked. "We're prepping you for surgery, this thing on ur chest is feeding ur lungs a medicine to prep u for surgery in 4 weeks. We're going to do a lung transplant."

Lung transplant? My world stopped. Then something came across my head.

"What ab meeting Magcon?" I asked all of a sudden.

"Oh honey that's tomorrow and-" my mom said but I interrupted her.

"Can I go?" I asked. I almost screamed it.

The doctor spoke, "I'm sorry Adeline but ur condition is unstable and ur lungs are slowly shutting down and there no possible way we could make that happen, I'm sorry." My heart shattered.

Why? If my lungs could've kept their crap together for 2 more days I could be there tomorrow meeting the only people who keep me going and happy in this hell.

I nodded my head. I felt warm tears trying to escape from my eyes but I pushed them back trying not to cry. I didn't want any more sympathy or pity towards me. I wanted to get out of these machines and this stupid plastic thing on my chest and run. I wanted to run and scream and cry until I couldn't do anything else.

All of the hatred inside me flamed up into exhaustion and my eyelids got heavy. I drifted off to sleep and hoped that I didn't have to wake up ever again.


this chapter was sad but it's a turning point and makes the story, the story (that's how I'm seeing it in my head lol) Im proud of it too and idk y, anyways thanks so much for over 100 views!! 🌸

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