bonus chapter

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exactly one year ago I started writing "holding on" 🎉 I'm so proud of how far this story has come so... I figured I would make a very short bonus chapter for you guys!! I hope you enjoy this and thank you so much for all the love and support :)))


Adeline's pov:

Life without Hunter is empty and bare. He was once the only thing I held on to and now he's what I hold on for. I hold on knowing that I'm living my life for him and living how he would want me to.

Not a day goes by where I don't stop and talk to him. I know he's always there with me. I can feel his presence following me just like my shadow.

You would think I would be over what I wish we could still be and just be happy of what we were but that's easier said then done. You can't just give up the love that we had. That's not the kind of love you give up.

I often sit and think of flashbacks of just us two. How I would give anything to go back to those days.


The sun setting on the city sky set a perfect purple and orange glow on his flawless skin. The colors only made his eyes shine brighter then what they normally did. And his smile just tied the whole look together.

He was telling me childhood stories on the hospital roof. Our little escape from a world of false hope and misleading futures.

We sat on the edge looking down at the city below us. His arm wrapped around my shoulder and my hand intertwined with his.

He was talking to me but looking off into the sunset. He would always brighten up when telling me stories. I could just listen to his story telling all day just so I could see him smile.

I starred up at him as he continued his story. Someone this wonderful shouldn't be spending their life with someone like me is all I could think about. He has so much ahead of him and he's waisting his time with a dying girl.

"Hunter?" I speak up.

"Hmm?" He looks down at me.

"You're in love with a girl who can't breath and lives in a hospital. Why did you choose me out of all the pretty girls that you meet everyday?" I ask.

Hunter stops. He gives a good look at me until he finally collects his thoughts together and responds.

"Oh Adeline," Hunter starts pushing some hair behind my ear. "You just don't understand how much you underestimate yourself do you?" He shows a soft smile.

I shake my head. He lets out a small chuckle.

"Those 'pretty girls' don't stand a chance against you. You are so unbelievably perfect in every way possible and I could never make you understand that no matter how hard I try. Just wish I could make you understand that."

I'm speechless. No one in my entire life has ever told me something this beautiful. I just gaze into his eyes taking in every detail and also every word that just left his mouth.

"I love you," I whisper.

"I love you more," he whispers back.

I sit up to where I'm now sitting directly towards him. He cups my face and pulls me close to him. Connecting the gap between our lips. Nothing but butterflies and a racing heart are inside of me because I'm pretty sure everything else has turned into mush with the way his words melted me.

He finally pulls away smiling. I can't help but smile back.

We continue to enjoy our childhood talks and our escape from the real world until the sun disappears and the only thing left is the stars.

I smile at the memory. Nothing put pure bliss is painted on my face at just the thought of the boy that I am holding on for.

Nothing could even come close to the kind of love we had. Nothing at all.

holding on || hunter rowland || completed Where stories live. Discover now