chapter 12

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"I love you Adeline Smith," he says in between pecks on my lips. I giggle and wrap my arms around his neck. He pulls me closer wiggling his eyebrows which makes my giggle even more. God, I loved him so much. "I love you too Mr.-"

I woke up startled. What just happened? A nurse was clicking buttons to my right. Was that a dream? No. But it felt so real. Was that really a dream? I looked around and came to reality. That was definitely a dream.

I sat up still a little confused but mostly hungry. I love food.

I wanted to get up and walk around so much but I couldn't. When Magcon came that was the last time I could actually walk around. I'm now bed-bound for 1 more week until my lung transplant. They have to get all the fluids in me stabilized and prep me for surgery.

I'm honestly not worried ab the surgery. I feel like my life is completed and I don't have much to offer anymore. I could care less if I die during surgery or not. I mean I don't want to but I'm fine with either one.

My mom wasn't in the room. She must be in the cafeteria. She's made a friend I think idk.

There by the window at the little table sat the box Hunter gave me. It's been 2 days and I still haven't opened it yet. I've been really tempted. Ok I really want to open it now.

The nurse was still in the room so I asked her if she could open the box for me. She kindly did.

I opened the lid and gasped. All kinds of merch was inside. I pulled each piece out one by one I hugged it and loved on it. Why hadn't I opened this sooner?!?
(pictures of merch she got)

 Why hadn't I opened this sooner?!? (pictures of merch she got)

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(I couldn't find a picture but pretend that the black and gray Magcon hoodie is right here)

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(I couldn't find a picture but pretend that the black and gray Magcon hoodie is right here)

I loved it all so much. My favorites were definitely the black and gray hoodie and the cammy d hat.

At the bottom of the box was note from all the guys:

hey Adeline!
we hope you enjoy the merch! we all picked it out together and thought this would look good on you. since your so courageous and brave we have decided to pay for your lung transplant! it's the least we can do for one of our supporters! we love you so much Adeline always stay strong!!

Ahh I loved them all so much. I can't believe they would do something like that for me.

When my mom came back in the room I showed her the merch and the note and she smiled. I'm pretty sure she knew ab it way before I did.

I tweeted them and told them thank you and added a few pics of me with them. I wish I could actually hug them and tell them how thankful I was for everything they've done for me.


Sorry ab the short chapter and I just really wanted to update and it's like 2 in the morning so yeah. I'm not sure how much longer I'm gonna continue this story... I originally planned doing ab 50 chapters but I may do 20 bc with the Rowland's not doing Magcon anymore the story isn't very realistic like I wanted it to be... but we'll see I keep changing my mind ok I'm going to sleep bye 🌸

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