Chapter 2- Star's missing/apology

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Robin's POV
What have I done. I let those girls push her. I'm a fool to let Star down like that. I don't deserve her for treating her like how I did. I couldn't sleep knowing that I had hurt her my true best friend. I then flashback to the first day we met and remembering the time me and Star had fell in love with each other. Wait...I love Star. All this time it's always been about Star and me. I know now why she acted the way she did. She loves me back. Why does she like a guy like me? I'm not good enough for her and I never was. I have to tell her the truth. I have to say something before it's too late. As I was walking up to Star's room I knocked on her door and I heard screaming and glass break. I eagerly walked in and Star was gone. I ran up to her window and someone must of kidnap her. I should go find her before something bad happens.

I ran down to my R-cycle and I drove off and tried tracking Star's communicator and she's still in the city. Some reason she was at an abandoned warehouse by Pier 41. I drove over to the Pier and I heard gun shots and I had heard screams. "NOOOOO AHHH!" I heard a girl and it sounds like Star. I had no choice but to go in there and search. I bust open the door and I looked for Star. "Starfire." I shouted. No response. "STARFIRE!!!" I yelled. "Robin." I heard a Star all the way in the warehouse and I finally it can't be...NOOOOO! Starfire was on the ground losing almost all her blood. I looked behind her back and those gun shots had hit Star. Her blood keeps rushing down I didn't know what to do. I have to save her that's what. I picked up Star and carried her to a hospital near by.

"I need help my friend got shot a couple times and she needs help." I told the nurse. The nurse told me to follow her in the operation room and they started helping Star out in the room. I went out of the room and I had sat in the waiting room thinking to myself. "Yo Rob where are you have you seen Star?" Cyborg calls me on his communicator. I picked up my communicator and I responded back. "I found Star but I'm sorry to say that she almost died tonight. Right now I am at the hospital and I probably not coming home until Star is out the hospital." I replied.
"Woah what happened to Star?" Cyborg asked. "She's been shot at least 3 times and I think Slade took her and left her for dead. He must've did this no one else but him would kill her. I'm a fool and why did this have to happen to her?" I replied sadly. "Robin what happened yesterday with you and Star? Star was screaming about you." Cyborg says. "Oh um Star was hurt that a bunch of fangirls pushed her away from me and she's totally right." I didn't give a damn about her feelings and for that I want to love her but I just want us to be friends again as well. Will she forgive me tho? If she does I be lucky enough to tell her my true feelings.

"Um Robin was it?" The nurse says. "I'll call ya'll back later. Um yes." I replied. "Your friend lost some of her blood would you be willing to donate blood for her?" She asks. If it means saving Star then I'm in. "Yes to save my friend of course." I told her. "Her blood is A+ are you A+?" She says. I nodded and she takes me into her office and starts drawing blood from my body and into the needle. That needle hurt so bad that I felt so much pain. No I know how it feels like to be hurt. "Thank you. You should go home we will take care of Star she'll be alright." The nurse says. "Um about Star I have to write a note to her would you be willing to give it to her if she survives?" I asked. "Yes of course I would like to." She smiles and takes the note and she goes to Star's room and comes back out. "It seems like she will wake up tomorrow and we removed the bullets from her chest and these bullets were specially designed. I looked at the bag of bullets and I knew it was Slade.

"Thanks for everything nurse. I now know who did this." I replied. "Your welcome are you going home?" She asks again. "I really don't like living her alone because she doesn't like being by herself. I just don't know what to do right now. All I want is to see her." I replied disappointed. "Oh ya'll must be close friends huh?" She asks. I nodded. "She would always go on dates with me. I would smile and she would blush and I don't know how I feel maybe I do like her. Maybe she is the right girl for me." I replied. "Sounds like you and her are in to each other. Have you tried to ask her how she feels about you?" The nurse asks.
" I haven't actually but I think I know what I have to do thanks for the help." I told her.

"No problem. Well if you are planning on staying in the hospital you'll have to sleep in the chairs. Have a good night." She says. "Robin." I heard Raven. I picked up my communicator and I answered. "Hey Raven. What's going on?" I asked. "Your planning on staying with her aren't you?" Raven asks. "I need to make it up to her so yeah I have to. I probably will be back tomorrow morning and please be careful." I replied. "Don't worry we will Robin. I wish you luck and be careful for yourself." Raven says. "Don't worry I promise you I'll take care of myself but I'm going to stay with Star. Night Raven." I replied. "Bye Robin." Raven says and hangs up. Me and Raven are like sister and brother because we know everything about each other.

(Technically they acted like that in Teen titans But episodes that were like Haunted, The end; all parts, Birthmark and probably the prophecy. I call Robin and Raven close like very close.)


Starfire's POV
I woke up in a bed. I remembered that I was shot by Slade but I never expected to live. The nurse walks in the room. "Oh thank goodness your awake. Your friend yesterday was helpful to save your life. Well you will be released tomorrow morning out of the hospital okay you should rest." She smiles. "Yeah thanks um...ah by any chance chance did my friend leave something for me?" I asked. "Oh yes this note. He wanted me to give you this. Anyways if you need anything just press the button." The nurse leaves. I read the note.

"Star I'm so sorry that I hurt your feelings and I know you'll never forgive me but the truth is I know what you feel. I saved you with my blood and I really am worried about you and I just want you back. I'm sorry Star I really don't deserve to talk to you but I will be your best friend forever.


I remember the charm I gave to Robin and I start crying out loud. The nurse comes back in and she tells me something. "It looks like your friend is still here and he is willing to talk to you." She says. "Let him in." I replied. Robin walks in the room and the nurse steps out. Robin sits on the edge of my bed and his back is turned to me. I placed my hand on his shoulder. "I don't deserve you. I can't go on being just friends but I don't think I'm right for you. I'm sorry Star I didn't help you out there. I'm not sure if I'm a fucking problem. I'm a fool to let you down Star and for that I'm sorry." Robin says. "Robin." I replied. He doesn't respond. "Please I want to talk about this." I replied.

To be continued.....

Hey everyone cliffhanger for now til then please comment down below what you thought about the chapter.


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