Chapter 4- Home sweet home

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Hey Iyanna here and I thank you all for reading my story I appreciate it ya'll. Please enjoy this long chapter just Robin and Starfire no one else but Robin and Star. Please comment down below what ever you like that you want me to change in the story and I'll answer ASAP thanks again ya'll are the best.

"Finally home sweet home and everything is back to normal. Well almost." Robin says placing his hand around Star's back. "So Star are you okay from last night?"
"Yeah I am the okay but it still hurts inside. But look on the bright side at least I lived." Star says. Robin goes quiet and Starfire looks at at him and she feels his pain. "Oh Robin I never meant to hurt you. I'm sorry for bringing it up. You must've been hurt finding out that Slade left me for dead." Starfire replies hugging Robin. He hugs her tightly not letting go. "It was terrible. All I know is that I can't let you go again and I have to protect you at all cost." Robin says. Starfire then looks at Robin and so does he. Robin walks up to her and looks down at Star. (Robin got taller now since he's 18) Robin kisses Star's forehead holding her hand up to look at him in his eyes. "I promise you that I will always love you Star." Robin says staring straight into her eyes meaning he really means it and he swears God he will.

"I know you will Robin." Starfire smiles. "You should get some rest Star I'll be here on the couch. If you need anything sweetie I'm right here for you." Robin says laying on the couch. Starfire climbs on top of Robin and lays down on the couch with Robin. Starfire then starts falling asleep on top of Robin and he plants a kiss on her forehead and he starts flipping through channels on the TV. "Um Robin I want to know you better. The real you." Star then curiously wants me to talk about myself. "Sure um whatever you want to know you got it." Robin replies. "My real name is Koriand'r." Starfire starts off. "My name is Richard "John" Dick Grayson." Robin says after her. "My eyes are emerald green." "Mines are ocean blue." "Favorite color is purple." "Mines Blue." "I have a brother and a sister." "I have 3 brothers." "I was born in Tamerain." "I was born in Gotham City." "My parents were killed by the Gordanains." "My parents were killed by Zucco and his two apprentices."

"I love you Robin." "I love you more Star." Robin hugs Star and she starts crying since she brought up her parents deaths. "There there Star I'm here for you now." Robin calms her down. Starfire had it bad. Blackfire was never there for her, her brother Wildfire had left like after the Gordanains had attacked their planet. She never had no one to lean on but her knorf'ka Galfore. Now since he ain't here, Robin is here for her. She hugs Robin tightly and let's all her fears out and Robin was kind enough to be there to hear her cry. He didn't back away he stayed with Star and forever he promise to be there for her when she needs him. "Star will you be my first and official girlfriend?" Robin asks. "I would love to but wasn't I'm your girlfriend before?" Starfire frowns. "Let me explain. When a girlfriend and boyfriend go out on a date that means they um...uh you get what I mean what I mean right?" Robin blushes uncomfortably. Star nods and he smiles and they drifted off to sleep.

Starshinelove I wanted to say that I'm so sorry if I had made chapter 2 a mess and I hope you might understand my apology. Sometimes I think to myself and say I'm really the worst at making stories. If ya'll think I'm good at writing stories I appreciate it but sometimes I'm thinking what if you guys might hate me if I don't give you what you want in my story. Anyways I hope you enjoyed my chapter you guys and have great night. Until next time.


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