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The school was allot closer than I thought.

I tossed my cigarette bud on the floor and stepped on it before walking into the school.

I felt like everyone was watching me. And it was pissing me off.

I pulled out my phone and ear buds and played my music to drown out the world around me.

I pulled out your schedule and went to my first class.

"Math... great."

I walked in the classroom and yet again all eyes were on me. I stopped for a second and scanned the room. I saw an empty seat in the back.

"Perfect." I walked to the back of the room and as soon as I sat down people started talking.

I closed my eyes and pulled an ear bud out one ear so I can hear the teacher when he or she come's in.

"Ehem... miss Royce.... it's time for you to nap in your next class."

A bitchy looking lady said waking me up.

"Sorry m'am I didn't notice I fell asleep."

"Yes well your lucky today is the first day. Otherwise that would have been a detention."

I said sorry again and got up leaving the class room to my next one.

"English... yay.." I said sarcastically as I walked down the hallways, looking at the signs to find my next class.

I finally found my class. Room 202

I walked in and once again heard murmers around me. I could feel these idiots staring at me and Ooh how it made my blood boil.

The bell rang and the teacher came in..

"Hello class.. I'm mr.Edge . Your English teacher obviously. Uh... I don't know what your last class did, but today is just getting to know me and your peers."

A snotty looking blond with trashy pink streaks in her hair raised her hand.

She popped her gum before asking her question.

"How old are you?"
She and a few other girls giggled.
I rolled my eyes.
"To old for you."
I whispered under my breath.
And to my mistake not quietly enough.

"What bitch??"
She said.

"Hey.. no inappropriate language."
He said furrowing his eyebrows.

"Sorry sir..." she batted her eyes.

"I said he's to old for you... bitch"
I said the last part looking at Mr.edge.

"Your point?"

"My point is he's damn well over 18 your most likely 16, and not to mention he can loose his job if he even attempted to do some of the things your thinking about doing with him in your head. And that goes for the rest of you idiotic horny ass girls in this class room who were planning on asking if he's single, or a top or a bottom or any other question that he's not allowed to answer. Please spare me and the boys in this class that awkwardness of Mister edge trying to say no. Thank you."

Mr.edge cleared his throat and sat on his desk..

"Uh.. yeah I'm new at the teaching thing and they don't teach us how to handle this kind so.. I'll just let it slide for today, and no inappropriate questions please."

After 20 minutes the bell finally rang and I grabbed my bag to leave. But before I did... Mr.edge  stopped me.

"Uh.. can you stay real quick."
I turned to see he was talking to me and I rolled my eyes. I sat down in a desk across from him.

Once every one left the room he closed the door.

"That was a bit intense."
He said.

"Sorry had a shitty morning, so I kinda went off."

"Really... anything you want to talk about?"

"No.. not really."

"Alright well like I said before no swearing... and get on with your day.."

"K bye."
I opend the door.
And before I stepped out, I heard mr.edge say "hey... I'm only 23... not that old."

I chuckled and glanced back at him before leaving.

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