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I went through the day with the same shit. People staring at me, and me ignoring the world around me.

And finally it was time to go home. Which to be honest I wasn't too thrilled about.
I started heading out the double doors to leave the grounds, when 2 girls stopped me.

"Hey new girl... your the new dolan right?"

"What? No.."

"But your mom is married to their dad."

"And? Just cuz their married doesn't mean I'm 'part of the family' I'm a Royse...not a dolan..."

"Well what ever you are.. you are our new bestfriend. I'm kim.. she's ashly.. but she doesn't talk much."

"Hmm thanks for the offer, but I'll pass."

I said trying to move past them.

I reluctantly turned around to look at the girls.

"If you were wondering why people kept looking at you, it's cuz you smelled like cigarette smoke and your the dolan twins new step sister they probably didn't expect that."

"Shit.. what do they want me to Smell like.. rose peddles? Fuck the dolan's... I'm just here till my dad get out."

"Oh another thing... careful what you do or say in this school. It always gets twisted."


I got inside and dropped my bag down the the floor before plopping onto the couch face first.



I screamed into the couch cushion.

I laid there for a second before noticing that something was tickling the back of my legs.

I flipped over and saw grayson with an 'Oh shit I just got cought' face.

"What the fuck are you doing?"
I asked
"What the fuck are you doing?"
He repeated.

"I was relaxing before you came over here to be a perv."

"Come be a perv with me."
He smiled grabbing my legs and pulling me close enough that my vag was touching his junk.
"How about no."
"How about yes."
He leaned down and kissed me.
"Grayson.. can you not?"
I pulled my lips away from his.

"I don't think i can"
He said grabbing my chin to kiss me again.

I pushed him off me.
"Grayson I said no. I'm not in the mood, I'm tired, and I'm your step sister."

I got up and went to my room.

I took off my sweater but didn't feel like changing from my school uniform to I just took a nap like that.

"I woke up and checked my phone. It was 11 pm. I went downstairs to get some food and saw grayson sleeping on the couch.
I rolled my eyes and made some pancakes.

When I pulled them out the whole bottom floor smelled sweet.

I covered them with syrup and began to eat them.

I was almost done when grayson woke up and decided to harass me some more.


He grabbed my last pice and ate it.you do not know how much rage I had.
But I kept it in. For the sake of not having to talk to him.
He opend the frig, then closed it. He sat in the chair next to me.

And looked at me with a derp face.

I said obviously annoyed.

"You have a little something like right...there"

He pointed at my lip and I went to go clean it up.

"Is it gone?"

"Uh.. no here I'll get it..."

"Oh no you done have--"

Before I knew it grayson was licking the side of my lip.
And I'm not gonna lie.. I did get tingles down there... especially when he bit my lip and pulled on it a little.

"Thats how you properly bite a lip."

He said inches away from my face.

"I know how to bite a lip."

"I don't believe you. Especially not after this morning... daddy wasn't to happy about that."

I rolled my eyes.

"Show me."

"Show you?"

"Show me you know how."

Grayson has a sly smirk on his face.

"No that's stupid."

"Is it though?"


"Your just saying that cuz you don't know how."

He moved his face away from mine, and let out a sigh like he dropped it.
It pissed me off how he twists my actions like that.

Then, like my body was possessed, I grabbed grayson's chin to look at me and I kissed him.

And right when I pulled away I softly grabbed his bottom lip between my teeth and tugged a little as I pulled away..

"Heh.. I knew you couldn't resist."
"Psh... you wish."
I moved my hand from his face and set them in my laps.

Grayson moved in for another kiss, but I stopped him
"Thats all for tonight daddy."

I teased not meaning it in a serious way at all, but I don't think he took it the way I meant.

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