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It was pretty late when we finished. Ms. Linn left an hour ago, and so did most of the adults besides the guy who's behind it all.

It was just me, jax, and 2 other kids whose names I didn't know.

"Alright well I'm going to head home."
I said grabbing my coat.
Jax grabbed his back pack and swung it over his shoulder.
"Mind if I come with?"
"Come with as in come home with me, or come with as in just walking with me?"

He smiled and shrugged his shoulders.
"Whichever you're cool with."

I smiled and shook my head.
"Well how far are you from here?"

"Not too far."

"Oh well I'm pretty far when walking so I'm just going to call someone to pick me up."

"Okay. I'll hang with you till then."
He smiled wrapping his arm around my shoulder.

"Alright then."

We walked to his place and I called a taxi.
Him and I began talking some more, when suddenly a guy riding a motorcycle pulled over.  The guy on the bike took off his helmet revealing the luke.
"Hey beautiful."
He smiled getting off hs bike..
He leaned in and kissed my cheek.
"Need a ride?" He smirked.
He looked back and saw Jax.
"OR are you hanging with this dweeb." He chuckled.
"Heh.. dont be rude.. and I'm waiting for my taxi with him."

"Perfect. You can save some money, I can spend some time with you, and this nice young man can go inside where it's warm."

Luke didn't give me much time to respond, he just kinda pushed me along with him.
"Here put a helmet on."
He walked me to his bike and helped me up.
He put his helmet on and turned his bike back on. He waved to jax as I wrapped my arms around his waist, and we took off.

When we got to my floor, we walked in, and litterly everyone was home. My mom, mr. Dolan, ethan, grayson, grayson's new girlfriend, and alex.
They all turned around to look and looked at us.
"Heyyyyy guyzz.. what's up.." I said .

Luke moved his arm off me and cleared his throat.
"Hi. I'm luke nice to meet you."

I nodded my head, and grabbed his hand.
"We'll be upstairs if you need us."
I said walking away.

I heard grayson say.

I said back.

"Thats enough you two."
My mom said.

"He started it."
I sassed.
"You're so childish."
He replied.

"Heh. Yeah you would know huh."
"Shut up."
He laughed, suddenly turning around and throwing a pillow at me.
I yelped blocking the pillow with my arms.

I took a deep breath in, then out.

"C'mon luke."
We began walking up the stairs.

"Leave the door open huh!"
My mom shouted from the bottom of the living room.

I closed my door and locked it as luke sat on the bed.

"So was that your brother?"
He asked.

"Step brother, but ya."


I sat next to him on the bed.

"So what do u wanna do?"
I asked.

He shrugged his shoulders.
"I didn't expect the whole family to be here.."

"So.. what that's just gonna stop you?"

"I don't know.. I don't wanna be disrespectful or nothin."

"Ugh believe me.. they don't give a damn..."
I said straddling myself around his legs.
"And neither do i." I pushed him back, and began kissing him.
His hands were on my waist, slowly inching closer to my ass.

KNOCK KNOCK.. "Pandora..."
"Are u busy?"
"Doing what?"
"Can you open the door?"
"Fuck off grayson."
"But babe.."
"Tch.. dont call me that!"
"Damn. Fine.."

I heard him walking away.
I went back to kissing luke, but he stopped me.
"Look.. you're really hot.. but I don't feel comfortable with this?"
"With what?"
"Like you're whole family listening to us."
"Ugh ... dude I thought you were a bad boy.. I told you I wanna annoy my daddy.."
"Well I'm sorry I belive in respect."
"Comming from the guy who helped me get so fucked up in couldn't remember anything."
"You know what get off."

I got off him, and he stood up.
"Imma go."
"Whatever... Hey next time.. dont steel shit from people you know."
He rolled his eyes and walked out my room.

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