25 pt 2

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Later that day I showed up to the little community service thing. Ms. Linn smiled and waved me over when she saw me.

"Hey you came that's great.. I'd like you to meet my nephew jax." He said then waving jax over.
He jogged his was over to us and stopped smiling.
He had brown hair and green eyes. He was fit, had a cute nose, and a butt chin which was super adorable on him. He was actually pretty hot.

"Hey." He held his hand out to shake.
"Hi." I shook back.

"Jax sweetie this is Pandora. She's kind of shy. Doesn't speek much. You mind taking her under your wing a little. Talk to her some?"
I rolled my eyes thinking to my self 'I'm not shy..'

"Sure no problem." He looked over to me and smiled. "this way miss"
He grined leading me over to where he was at before.
I followed.

"So. Pandora. That's an unusual name." He said trying to start small talk.
"Oh yeah like Jax is so commonly used."

He chucked. "Heh you got a point there.

It was quiet between the two of us for a few seconds before I spoke.
"So is it short for anything?"

"Huh? Oh no.. that's it. Just jax."
"Oh. Cool."
He shrugged. Then patted down the dirt in a plant he had just planted.
"So it's about break time.. wanna head out someplace nearby and pick something up?"
"Um. Sure."

I patted my hands to get most of the dirt off.
Him and I walked to ms. Linn and told her we were going to pick up some food.

We walked across the street to a diner, and sat down.
We began talking after we ordered.

"So. Miss. Pandora. You got a nick name?"

"Why is my normal name hard to remember?"

"Heh. No im not sure if anyone can forget such a name to such a pretty girl."

I smiled at the complement.
"My dad calls me pan, but a few people call me panda."

"Panda. Cute."

"Thanks. ;3"

The food came and we began to eat.

We made small talk while eating learning more about eachother.
I kinda got the feeling like he was gay, but right when he gave off thoes vibes he would throw a flirt at me.. so I wasn't sure if he was just nice, or trying to hide it.
Once we finished eating we walked out and started walking back to the area we were at before.

We were almost there when suddenly we heard a gunshot following by the gun being reset.

"Give us your money!"
A voice said behind us.

Jax and I were scared, and started searching around for our wallet.
I pulled my wallet from my jacket pocket, and jax grabbed his from his back pocket.

We pulled out all the money we had and slowly turned around to hand over the money.

The guys face was covered by a gray hood and mask that only let his eyes be shown.

"Fuckin hell." I said the moment my eyes met the robbers.
It was the boy from last night. I recognize thoes crazy looking eyes anywhere.
I felt a lot calmer once I realized it was him, but poor jax was clueless.
We heard sirens in the distance.
Luke took the money from us. "Thank you for your cooperation."
Luke moved himself between us, so only I could see his front. He pulled his mask down, and winked at me before he took off smiling.

"That fucking prick.."
I said laughing.
"Wh- what you think that was funny?!"
"Damn chill. What do you expect? Sunshine and rainbows?"
I questioned.
We began walking again.
"No I guess not.......but at least no mugging the people who are trying to make their community nicer."

"Maybe they like it the way it is."

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