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Perseus Jackson, also known as Percy, left his first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry feeling happy and confident that he had actual friends. However, that was before they seemed to forget all about him. He at least had his brother, Harry Potter, but he too had gotten no letters from their friends. Then one day a small creature wearing a pillowcase showed up in their shared bedroom and told them that they absolutely, positively could not go back to school under any circumstance. Of course, the small creature wearing a pillowcase was resolutely ignored and they went back to school to start their second year anyway. Then things started to go wonky, what with all the strange voices and massive spiders. But then things got even stranger. Water seemed to bend to Percy's will and he kept feeling as if the forest was watching him.

Percy's first year at the school for witches and wizards had been rather interesting. He, his brother, and their friends, Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger, had kept a magical stone from being stolen from the school by one of the darkest wizards of all time. Though it was exciting, Percy hoped that his second year at the school would be a lot less dangerous.


Yes, I know, super short prologue, but I need to actually work on my homework. The first official chapter will soon be up, though!

Please comment any grammar or spelling mistakes you find, I would really appreciate it.


[2] Diverging Paths: Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, and the Chamber of SecretsWhere stories live. Discover now