2: rescue

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Once the Dursleys found out that Percy and Harry weren't allowed to do magic outside of school, the two boys were locked in their bedroom and the next day, Vernon had nailed bars onto their window, completely imprisoning them. Petunia had cut a small hole in the bottom of their door and she shoved food through it three times a day for them. There was just barely enough for the both of them, never mind Hedwig and Kasper. They were also only allowed to visit the bathroom twice a day, once in the morning and once before bed. It couldn't have been healthy. Percy's only source of entertainment was the few books that were left in their room - he didn't particularly like reading, it was just a way to stave off the boredom. Harry had taken to pacing around the room, making both Percy and the animals nervous.

Two days passed after Uncle Vernon had nailed the bars to their window and nothing changed. Percy grew even more bored, if that was possible, and had replaced Harry in pacing around the room. Harry had taken to staring out of the bar covered window. They both went to bed after sharing the meager meal Aunt Petunia brought, giving a fair portion to Hedwig and Kasper. Percy didn't fall asleep for a while after eating, tired of being cooped up in his room. But finally, after tossing and turning for what seemed like hours, his tired eyes closed and he slept.


Percy woke with a start. Something had woken him up, but he didn't know what. He looked over at Harry's bed - he was still asleep. Percy cautiously got up and went to the door and tried the doorknob. It was still locked. He put his ear up to it next, still wary. All he could hear was Vernon's faint snoring from a few rooms over. Perplexed, he made his way back to his bed and lay down, ready to go back to sleep.

But no, there was something unusual about the night. Percy sat up again, listening as hard as he could. All he could hear was the faint sound of a car engine getting louder. And louder, and louder, and louder. Light suddenly flooded the room and Percy jumped up, facing the window. The car engine was roaringly loud now - it was right outside the window. Shielding his eyes, he shook Harry awake.

"Harry, come on, wake up!" Percy shook his brother harder. Harry sat up, rubbing his eyes blearily. Ignoring his brother now, Percy went to the window and opened it. Floating in the air next to their window was a baby blue Ford Anglia. The window to the car was rolled down and a boy with bright ginger hair and freckles scattered across his nose stuck his head out.

"Alright there, Percy? Where's Harry?" Ron said.

Percy grinned. "Ron, what are you doing here?"

Another boy, also with bright red hair but a little older poked his head around Ron. "We've come to rescue you, of course!"

Percy looked in the backseat and there was another boy identical to the second. "Fred! George! Oh, you have no idea how happy I am to see you!"

Ron spoke up again once he saw that Harry had joined Percy at the open window. "Come on, you two. We haven't got all day!" Eyes widening, the two of them hurried back to put all of their things into their trunks. (The Dursleys had thrown all of their stuff into the room a day earlier, saying something along the lines of how the freaky things should stay with the freaks or something.) Ron meanwhile, had hooked the car to the bars on the window. "Stand back, you two," he yelled. He revved the engine and the bars came away with a mighty crash, falling into the bushes below.

Percy could hear Uncle Vernon yelling profanities over the engine. "What the hell is that noise!" Percy heard him shout. The lock on their bedroom door jiggled - Percy and Harry moved faster, handing their trunks over to Ron. The door suddenly slammed open and Percy grabbed Hedwig, handed her to Harry, and shoved him out of the window and into the car. "Petunia, come quick! They're getting away!" Percy ran back to Kasper and grabbed him before dodging the man's flailing hands and handing the owlgriffin over to Ron. He was climbing out the window himself when he felt his ankles being grabbed.

[2] Diverging Paths: Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, and the Chamber of SecretsWhere stories live. Discover now