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Percy didn't fully wake up until three days later. He did remember sort of waking up in a big room in a bed being spoon-fed something by the blond girl he saw before he passed out. Her hair was curled like a princess's.

"Do you know what's going on?" she had asked him. Like Grover, she had an American accent. "What's supposed to happen at the summer solstice?" Percy couldn't answer.

The next time he remembered waking up, the girl was nowhere to be seen. Instead, there was a man standing by the door, covered with blue eyes. They were everywhere, on his face, his neck, even on the backs of his hands.

The third time Percy woke, it was for good. He was no longer in the big room with the comfortable bed. Instead, he was laid out on a deck chair covered in a blanket. He was overlooking sprawling strawberry fields, a few cabins, and a lake. On a table next to him was what looked like a glass of apple juice, ice and all.

"You're awake," someone said. Percy turned his head to see Grover.

"Yeah. I guess I am."

Grover walked closer and handed him the glass of apple juice. "Here, drink." Percy did so. He almost spat it back out again, because whatever it was, it wasn't apple juice. It tasted like warm chocolate chip cookies. Admittedly, he did feel better, more alert even, after he had drained the glass. Once it was empty, Grover helped him set it back on the table. "Was it good? Grover asked.

"Sorry, I should have let you have some-"

"No, no! That's not what I meant. I just wondered what it tasted like."

"Chocolate chip cookies."

Grover nodded, then said, "Chiron'll be ready to see you in a minute. In the meantime..." He held out a shoe box. Percy took it. He opened it, and inside was the horn that Percy had broken off of the Minotaur. "I figured, maybe you would want it. It is, after all, your prize for beating the Minotaur." He scuffed a hoof against the wooden deck - he wasn't wearing any pants or shoes; instead, dark fur covered his goat legs and he had hooves instead of feet.

"Thanks," Percy said.

"No problem."

The blond girl that was spoon-feeding Percy earlier opened the door to the house. "Chiron and Mr. D are ready for you," she said. She glanced at Percy and said, "You drool in your sleep." Then she walked down the stairs leading to the deck and took off in a run towards the cabins.

"Come on," Grover said. He helped Percy up, the blanket falling to the floor. "Let's go meet Chiron and Mr. D."


IT'S DONE, MY GOD, IT'S DONE. And like two weeks before school starts too. Yeah, the epilogue was super short, but I didn't want to get too much into the time Percy's at Camp Half-Blood. I know it's an essential part of his character, but we all know what happens to him during his time there. Plus, my stories are meant to focus more on the wizarding part of Percy Jackson.

EDIT!!!! The prologue to the next book is now up, the first chapter soon to follow!

I really hope you enjoyed the second installment in my Percy Jackson and Harry Potter crossover series. Please, comment any grammar or spelling mistakes throughout the book if you find anything. Stay tuned for Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, and the Prisoner of Azkaban!


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