9: the dangers of quidditch

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The next day, Percy walked into Defense Against the Dark Arts with a sense of anticipation. After class, he, Harry, Ron, and Hermione would be asking Lockhart for his signature in order to enter the Restricted Section of the library. They quickly found their seats, Percy sitting with Ron and Harry sitting with Hermione for a change. By the time everyone had found their seats, Lockhart was already sitting importantly behind his desk. He got up with a flourish and started the lesson.

"Today, class, we will be acting out famous scenes from my many endeavors-"

Percy, along with all of the boys in the room, groaned. He was not looking forward to that at all.

After what seemed like a year of suffering through awful acting and being forced to act like a banshee that Lockhart had supposedly vanquished in one of his books, the "lesson" was over. As soon as most everyone had left, Percy followed a blushing Hermione up to Lockhart's desk. Harry and Ron were only a second behind.

"Er, P-Professor," Hermione stuttered. Lockhart looked up from whatever he was reading expectantly. "Er, I was wondering if you could sign this?" Without even looking at what he was signing, Lockhart grabbed the parchment from Hermione's outstretched hand, making her blush even more.

"There you go, dear girl. You did wonderfully today, by the way. You make a wonderful hag!" Smiling, he handed the now signed slip of parchment back and went back to reading, adjusting the stylish glasses on the bridge of his nose as he did.

Even before Hermione had turned to leave the classroom, Percy, Harry, and Ron were already out the door, eager to escape the always smiling portraits of Lockhart in the Defense classroom. "That brainless git," Ron huffed, "he didn't even look at what he was signing!"

Hermione was clutching the parchment to her chest with a bright grin on her pick face. "I think he's brilliant!"

"Yeah, we know you do, Hermione."

"Hush, Perseus."

"Oi! Don't call me that! I'm not Ron!" Hermione only waved him off and led the way to the school library. Ron went after her, looking quite offended, and Harry bumped his shoulder while grinning before following. "Get back here! I'm not Ron, you can't do that, that was his thing!"

Having been to the library more than the other three of them combined, Hermione was the one to speak to Madam Pince, the librarian, about getting the book they were looking for: Most Potente Potions. In that book, they would find the recipe for the Polyjuice Potion. Instead of following Hermione up to the librarian, Percy hung back with Harry and Ron while Hermione did all the talking; not long after they had arrived, Hermione was speed walking in their direction with a large book in hand, looking triumphant. "Let's go, she's starting to get suspicious."

They were only about ten paces out of the library doors when Ron suddenly stopped. "Hang on," he said. The others turned to face him. "Where are we supposed to actually make the potion? There can't be that many private places in the castle to choose from."

"We could go back and do it in our dormitory," Percy suggested.

"What about Neville, Seamus, and Dean?" Harry asked. "It would be impossible to hide an entire potion from them."

"Yeah, I guess that's true."

Hermione smirked deviously. "Luckily for you three, I have the perfect place in mind."


"Oh no, what are we doing back here!" Ron groaned. Hermione only shoved past him and opened the door to the first floor girls' bathroom.

[2] Diverging Paths: Percy Jackson, Harry Potter, and the Chamber of SecretsWhere stories live. Discover now