Intro Disclaimery Thing?

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Hi. So my name is [Sky] and I'm a full time fangirl of books, YouTube, television and music :3
Hopefully someome reads my fanfic, and if you think we could be friends, talk to me on:
Tumblr: seethingsoul
Instagram: acciotardisphan
Twitter: frantichowlter
I'd love to chat, or just hear feedback!
Disclaimer: none of the characters used here are mine, all credit goes to the creators (except for the real people ofc)
And yes.. just in case you havent read my description, here are a list of fandoms/characters that probably will all be used in this fanfic:
Dan Howell
Phil Lester
PJ Liguori
Chris Kendall
Troye Sivan
Connor Franta
Tyler Oakley
Probably more YouTubers
The Doctor
Sherlock Holmes
John Watson
Bunch of Hogwarts teachers
(I'm still deciding whether or not Harry and his friends are gonna be in so we'll just have to wait and see eh)
And I'm almost 100 percent sure there will be other characters here as well lmao
So lets get started shall we?
Allons-y! (no ok bye)

Fandoms X HogwartsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora