The Trip to Hogwarts

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First chapter, hope it goes well ^3^
Once upon a time, there was a country named England. And in England, there was a city named London. And in London, there was a train station named King's Cross. And at Kings Cross Train Station, there was a platform called Platform 9 3/4. No one ever believed there was a platform 9 3/4.... Except for the dozens of witches and wizards who used it every year to catch the train to the famous magic school, Hogwarts, on the Hogwarts Express.
Somewhere in the vast crowd of children and parents on that platform, was a young, dark haired boy, a young, dark haired boy named Dan Howell.
"Now Daniel, do be safe ok?" his mother said to him. "I don't want you to have any trouble in your first year!" The train behind them whistled. It was about to leave.
"I'll be fine, I'll be ok," Dan said to his mother as she kissed him on the forehead.
"See you son," Dan's father said, as he patted him on the back. "And have fun!"
"I will!" Dan yelled through the chatter of parents and the whistling of the train. He walked on board and sat down in a compartment with his trunk as the train rumbled away from the station.
Another, young, dark haired boy came along and peered into Dan's compartment. Dan was sitting all alone.
"Mind if I join you?" the boy said.
"N-no, not at all," Dan replied.
The boy lugged his trunk into the compartment and sat down across from Dan. "I'm Phil," he said. Nice to meet you!" Phil's smile was soft, like sunshine.
"I'm Dan, nice to meet you too!" Dan replied.
"Hey Dan, did you know hippos have pink milk?" Phil said to Dan.
The boys laughed.
"No, I didn't," Dan said. "That's hilarious!"
A witch pushing along a tray of food came along and knocked on the door of Dan and Phil's compartment.
"Care to have something to eat?" she asked them.
"Yes please!" Phil said. "I'm starving. Could I have two Chocolate Frog Cards please?"
The witch gave Phil the Chocolate Frog Cards.
"Thanks!" Phil said.
"No problem!" The witch said back. She smiled and carried on pushing her tray through the train.
Phil handed a Chocolate Frog to Dan. "Open it'', he said. "They're delicious!"
Dan unwrapped the foil from around it. Inside was a chocolate frog, and a collectable card.
"I've nearly got all the cards," Phil said while munching on the chocolate frog. He looked down on his card.
"Darn it, I've got this one," Phil said. "Care to trade?"
"Sure," Dan replied. He handed his card to Phil, and Phil gave his card to Dan.
Dan looked at his card. "'Albus Dumbledore'", he read out loud.
Phil swallowed the rest of his chocolate frog. "He's the headmaster of Hogwarts," Phil explained. "My brother says he's amazing. I really do hope that's true, I don't want a strict headmaster for our school."
Dan shoved the card into his pocket.
Two more boys came along and peered into Dan and Phil's compartment.
"Hello!" Phil said to them. He gave them his soft sunshine smile again. "There's enough space, want to come in?"
The boys glanced at each other, then nodded their heads.
Dan opened the door for them and they sat down.
"I'm PJ," one of the boys said. He had bright green eyes and messy, tousled brown hair. "This is Chris," he said, pointing to the boy in front of him.
"Hi," Chris said. He smiled awkwardly. He pushed his flat, dark fringe out of his brown eyes and fiddled with his fingers.
"He's kinda shy," PJ said. Chris glared at him.
"I'm Phil," Phil said. "This is Dan," Phil gestured to Dan.
Dan smiled. "Hey," he said.
The four boys chatted about their new school, and as they were on that train to Hogwarts, they didn't have the slightest idea of the adventures to come.
Sorry about the crap first paragraph I didn't know how to intro this lmao
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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Aug 06, 2016 ⏰

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