Somewhere Only We Know

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Credit to Etilevram on deviant art.

I'm sorry for my super slow updates but I've been dealing with a lot of threats I guess you could call them on here and other social medias so please guys just be nice. Every time I read a rude comment it makes me feel like shit so please just be polite to me and others around you. Thank you, sorry for the rant but I'm done with everyone's shit honestly.


Wade walked slowly through Central Park, his movements unstable and his expression tired. For once, he didn't talk. He only continued walking and simply stared on. He glanced around. The park was empty. Not a single person in sight. He heaved a soft sigh and trailed off the pathway and onto the grass. He stared at the ground, watching the grass and flowers crumble as his bare feet stepped over them. He didn't need to look where he was going. He already knew. He shut his eyes, stopping for a moment. He inhaled a deep, shaky breath, and continued on to a small river cutting through the park.

Wade made his way past the large boulders cutting along the bank of the river, and under the bride that loomed above the water. He sat down, eyes gazing into the flowing stream. His heart grew warm, and he smiled lightly as memories flooded back to him. Wade shut his eyes again, and let out a content sigh. After a second, his smile disappeared, and he glanced around, expression hopeful, but his eyes sad.

Everyday he'd sit there for hours. Waiting. Hoping. When he was a kid, he had met his first and only friend here. Peter Parker, the child had told him. Wade had been all alone, refusing to live in his own home with those monsters called his parents. He decided to live in Central Park. It was much prettier and much nicer here. He had been curled up underneath a blanket when Peter poked his head inside. Wade had learned not to look or act scared when you see something or someone you don't know. So he had hopped to his feet, puffed out his chest to look bigger, and glared down at the kid. But Peter merely blinked and smiled at him. They became best friends after that. But then Peter slowly began seeing Wade very little, and one day, the last day, Peter had come and admitted he wouldn't be able to play with him anymore. But that he'd return years later. He had promised Wade that he would come back, and they could be together again.

Ten years ago, that happened. Wade knew he was being foolish. But he still wanted to see Peter again. Just one more time to see that friendly smile. Wade sighed. He was living on false hope. Like Peter would remember something that happened when he was barely six.

Wade pulled his knees up to his chest, rubbing an eye. He was so tired. So old now. A boy shouldn't be feeling that at the age of 17. He had tried attending school when he was younger, but it was no use. Everyone hated him and made fun of him for never changing his clothes (that was all he had, until he started stealing) and that he was too skinny or too tall or just the simple fact that he was stupid. Stupid in school, stupid in society, stupid at socializing, etc. etc.. But he was only seven. And living on his own, learning how to fend off the world all by himself was hard. So, yeah, he tried to ignore their spitting words, but it was too difficult. He gave up. Stopped going to school and decided to just stay under his protective bridge.

Wade didn't know what to do. He sat there, chin resting on the caps of his knees, expression blank. He didn't know what to do anymore. This was basically his life: Steal for food, walk around the park, go into the city, go back to the park and wait for Peter. That was it. So what to do now, if Peter was never coming? He shut his eyes, exhaling a trembling breath. He gave up a long time ago on trying to understand why his life was such a shattered mess.

His blue eyes drifted over to the left, where a large tree lay on its side, the branches sticking out all which ways and that. A small smile spilled onto Wade's lips as more memories flooded back to him as he gazed at this achingly familiar tree...

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