Chapter One

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She was dying.

She was a seven-teen year old virgin on her deathbed. God she should have at least kissed a boy before she kicked it but no. She'd been way too picky and where had that gotten her? A dying virgin that's where. Well being picky hadn't landed her the "dying" part but surely she could have experienced the more, uh, carnal part of life before she died. Well, she thought wryly, it's not like you would have gotten anything but a pity fuck.

Shiiiiiiiiiiiiit. Eve had never really thought about death, even when her body was weak and had begun failing, she had always thought of death as an abstract concept, something that was eminent but would happen a lot later in life. Well here it was.

The cancer was rapidly multiplying and was extremely strong. She was dying again and there was nothing she could do about it. They'd had to stop chemo when it had looked like her liver couldn't take any more.

She was all alone.

Her entire family was there beside her but she was still all alone.

She looked next to her bed and saw her mother sitting next to her tears streaming down her face as she cradled Eve's three year old brother in her lap while he slept, her father's arm was around her and whispering soft assurances in her ear. She looked around and saw the rest of her large family sitting and standing around her. All her cousins and aunts and grandparents were there.

Yet even with so many people around her she was completely alone.

Her big family had always been close. Whenever they had come over to visit the house had been filled with laughter yet she felt completely lost in the crowded room she'd spent the last few years in and out of. The nurses always gave her the same two-patient room and she knew them all well. She was closest to Maggie, a young blond little nurse. She had even been introduced to the woman's husband and children once when they came to pick her up.

Suddenly she felt hysterical laughter bubbling in her throat but she held it back. Husband and children, great I'll just add that to the things I'll never have, turning out to be quite the list. She turned to her family and suddenly she needed everyone gone. She needed to think, to grieve the loss, to cry, to panic without worrying about whom would see her.

"Hey mom you think you guys can give me a moment alone?," when her mother appeared about to be about to object she added, " I just need a sec that's all."

Her mother still looked reluctant but she said, "You sure?"

"Yeah I just need...I just need to think."

"Sure sweetie you take your time, just call us if you need us, okay?" She dropped her voice to a whisper and pressed a kiss to Eve's forehead. "I love you."

Once alone Eve sat there staring at the ceiling and thought of her life. She'd always been weak physically and had inherited a fast metabolism that kept her thin and practically flat-chested. She was also too pale naturally but when the sickness had struck her skin had become almost translucent. Her first bout with the cancer had been during 5th grade and had lasted two years. When she had started to lose her hair the kids had picked on her nonstop, and when she'd overheard her best friend doing it behind her back she'd begun to close herself off from the kids at school, ignoring them completely.

She had refused to admit she was sick and make the situation worse by letting them pity her, she'd had too much pride for it even at the age of 10. When her hair had begun to grow between the intervals of chemo she had continued to shun them, they were going to make fun of her when it fell out again anyway right? But when she had found out the chemo was working and her hair was there to stay she hadn't been able to suppress the immense amount of relief she'd felt. Finally, she'd thought, finally I can have friends again.

She had started to open up again and had become just another kid, playing and laughing as if nothing had ever happened. She'd even liked a boy or two but had been too much of a pansy to do anything.

Then junior year of high school happened and she'd learned it was back. The first thing she'd thought was fuck here we go again, more pain, more solitude.

She'd looked back and Eve had remembered her panic when as a child she'd awaken to a fever and seen locks of her brown hair strewn all over her sheets and pillows, the horror of going to school when it had all fallen out had been tremendous. But it turned out that all the worse case scenario she had thought up was actually the best.

No, the worst had been when she'd found out that it had all been for nothing and she was still dying but now she couldn't do anything to fight it. Because of all her previous treatments it turned out that her liver couldn't take any more chemo. So here she was dying and nothing to think about but the things she hadn't done. Never kissed a boy, never had sex, never went to college, never got drunk, never this, never that, never, never, never...

She closed her eyes, feeling too tired to think, too tired to do anything but sleep. So she slept.


Comment please! Need some major feedback!!!! XD  

Changed her name. again. 

and the title is now Beauty to Beast and you will soon find out why!

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