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105 15 5


8:30 pm


That was the first thing I told myself. Sending this message to my brain and to my legs, I immediately started to carry my legs all the way to the lift doors which were opened like my mouth gasping for air. The sounds of the items rumbling around in the plastic bag filled my ears and the thought of him waiting for me "patiently" was making me feel anxious.

As the doors were about to close, my index finger flew to the arrow pointing to the top and the doors immediately open wide. "Thank god. " I heaved a sigh of relief as I got into the lift calmly. Pushing the button with the number '5' on it, the lift brings me up to the fifth level. My eyes flew up to the elevator screen that shows the number "1" on it. As a few seconds passed, the number had changed to "5" and the doors welcome me to a familiar looking hallway. Now all I had to do is walk straight, turn left and I will see the door with a tiny star sticker next to his room number.

And with a few steps, I was infront of his door. Pressing the doorbell, I hear the familiar 8bit version of 'never gonna give you up.' I always wondered why he would make that song his doorbell alarm. Finally, the door swings open and

I see him.

Blonde hair, pink sweater, plump lips, white skin, big eyes.... Girls would think he's such a handsome cutie. I do think so too but really....

"Hi seokj- "

"You're late, " he spat. "5 minutes and 29 seconds late. Do you know how many fans are waiting for you?"

I could only drop my head guiltily and purse my lips. "Sorry." I mumbled out.

Jin pushes the door wider and glared at me.  "Cmon in. "

And I enter the room where him and I do collab mukbang videos every night.

To be honest , I regret doing videos with him but its a blessing to collab with the next biggest mukbang star. Who wouldn't want to collaborate with someone so handsome?

Walking towards the webcam, I sat down and carefully placed the food beside me. "Hi guys! I'm so sorry for being late! Please forgive me. "

And immediately I get replies and balloons from my viewers.

Foodlurver: unnie<3 of course I'll forgive you

Hanibaebi : HI UNNIE! DON'T APOLOGIZE! (╥╯ㅅ╰╥) ily

Leehaejin: hi unnie!!omg seokjin has been waiting for u for so long T-T

thatonedude: HYEIN!! looking good today!

!thatonedude has given you 30 balloons!

"Ah! Thank you so much for the balloons." I thanked.

Finally, jin sits besides me and unpacked the food. "Well, since hyein is here now.." Jin eyes me and I nod at him.

"Saranghae! Hello we are SEOKHYE! and welcome to our channel." We greeted in unison.


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