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"Go, hide under there. Hurry!" His sister's panicked voice reached his ears. He was asleep when his sister suddenly barged into his room and locked the door.

"Hurry!" His sister pulled him out of his bed and forced him to hide under it. He widened his eyes when he heard thumping sounds from the outside. There were screams and shouts as well. "What's going on?" He asked his older sister, terrified of what's happening just outside that door. "Shh." His sister hushed him to keep quiet.

The door suddenly broke open, bits of wood flying all over the room. A thud was heard and both of them saw their mother's body dropped on the floor in front of them. They saw their mother's eyes losing the light that it usually possesses as she gave them one last smile before that light completely vanishes.

He widened his eyes as he stared into the empty holes in his mother's eyes. The holes that once held love and passion. The holes that once brought happiness just by looking into it. His sister let out an unexpected gasp when she saw her mother died right in front of them. The bed was suddenly lifted, revealing the person who killed their mother.

"There you are." He smirked and threw the bed across the room, crashing it against the wall. The wood splinters managed to hurt the siblings but it took them just seconds to heal the cuts since they have vampire ability. "Cheryl." Both of them heard a weak gasp and they looked at the place that once stood a door to see their father barely standing, holding his sword in his hand.

"You're not dead yet?" That monster asked, looking amused as it bared his fangs and attacked his father who could barely stand.

"Witness me killing your father kids." He smirked as he choked his father until a disturbing crack was heard. He dropped the limp body on the ground before facing the both of them.

"Run." His sister whispered as he stood there frozen. Not knowing whether to run like a coward, or die here together with his family. The monster heard his sister and gave a sickening sweet smile. "It's sad that I couldn't have fun with you." He said and his sister spit on his face is disgust, angering the monster.

"Burn in hell." She bared her fangs and attacked the monster. The monster overpowered his sister easily and his sister was looking at him in the eyes, as if begging him to end her misery but he was frozen. He heard a slow crack and he looked away, not wanting to witness his sister's death as well and that's when he saw his father's sword.

He used his vampire speed and picked it up. He plunged the sword into the monster's heart at the same time a loud crack was heard. He was too late.

That was how a heartless King was born.

Things to take note:


They are born in 2 ways.

First; one of their parents is a vampire, be it mother or father. They do have a mate and they are often mistaken as the other half-breed since they share the same scent. However, they half a lot more control over their blood thirst and they are able to stand under the sun, eat human food and do what normal humans do. They have vampiric abilities as well. Although not as strong as the Pure-Breeds.

Second; they are bitten by another vampire. They do not have a mate. They are ruthless killers and would usually cause an unnecessary bloodbath. They have zero control over their blood thirst and would find almost anything to sink their teeth in, not matter what species they are. Thus, this results in them mistakenly drink from other vampires. This mistake cause them their life as the venom in another vampire's blood would overpower the venom in their own blood. Be it half-breeds or pure-breeds.


Like any other species of a pure-breed. They are born from a vampire mother and father. They are definitely a lot stronger in their vampiric abilities compared to the half-breeds. They have control over their blood thirst to a certain extend. They do have mates.

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